- 1 Overview of Asch
- 2 Mine
- 3 Support
- 4 Are You Authoritarian?
- 5 Are you part of the 74% that will knowingly choose the wrong answer to fit in?
- 6 Are You Stressed?
- 7 Can We Explain Gender Differences in Officer Career Progression?
- 8 Do Bonuses Affect Enlistment and Reenlistment?
- 9 Ensuring Language Capability in the Intelligence Community: What Factors Affect the Best Mix of Military, Civilians, and Contractors?
- 10 Forgot your password?
- 11 Have Improved Resources Increased Military Recruiting and Retention?
- 12 How Do Federal Civilian Pay Freezes and Retirement Plan Changes Affect Employee Retention in the Department of Defense?
- 13 Looking to the Future: What Does Transformation Mean for Military Manpower and Personnel Policy?
- 14 Nap for Performance?
- 15 Navigating Current and Emerging Army Recruiting Challenges: What Can Research Tell Us?
- 16 Recruiting Minorities: What Explains Recent Trends in the Army and Navy?
- 17 Reserve Recruiting and the College Market: Is a New Educational Benefit Needed?
- 18 Should the Increase in Military Pay Be Slowed?
- 19 Should Uncle Sam Want You?
- 20 Slave To Your Role?
- 21 Supplemental Career Paths for Air Force Pilots: A Warrant Officer Component or an Aviation Technical Track?
- 22 Want a deeper search?
- 23 Want To Study Psychology?
- 24 What are VitalSource eBooks?
- 25 Which Archetype Are You?
- 26 Who Should Join the ASCH?
- 27 History of Asch
Overview of Asch
dominant in the 1940s and 1950s.� In
his experiments on impression formation, Asch showed that the meaning of a
personality trait depended upon other traits attributed to the same
person.� For example, the intelligence
of a fewone who is "intelligent" and "cold" is not the
same as the intelligence of a fewone who is "intelligent" and
�warm�.� Though controversial
(especially among advocates of elementist models), the importance of his
results is uncontested.� The network of
inferences from one characteristic to another is being studied still; Asch’s
technique of comparing impressions generated by descriptions differing in
only one characteristic is still popular.
ranks among the greatest works in psychology.�
He persuasively presents the person as complex but comprehensible,
both socially situated and independent.�
Asch walks the difficult but productive middle ground between
behaviorism and psychoanalysis, nature and nurture, elementism and holism,
experimentation and naturalistic observation.�
This book shaped a generation of social psychologists.� (The current generation may find it a
useful antidote to ANOVA-ridden journals.)�
While crises in social psychology come and go, this text remains a
sovereign remedy. a few examples:
A common behaviorist belief in the 1940s and 1950s was that a person could be completely understood by studying the different parts or elements that make up that person.Asch rejected this line of thinking in favor of the gestalt principle that people were more than the sum of their parts.To help determine which approach was more accurate, Asch designed a series of clever experiments to reveal how individuals form impressions of other people.
Asch has extensive international experience; he opened a sales office in Germany covering eight European countries and has established distribution agreements with manufacturers in Italy, Germany, Japan, Korea and India.Asch has spent more than thirty years as a marketing and sales executive.Asch is a huge supporter of The Wounded Warrior Project and encourages everyone to support our injured heroes.Asch is the owner of LEDAZA INC., an outsourced business development firm in New York. His philosophy about life and business is “Question everything.Asch’s academic credentials include a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and an MBA in Marketing Management.Asch’s book “Are You Sure About That?” was published in July 2015.Asch’s hobbies include movies, reading, comedy, and jazz.From his early days watching his father manage the family’s grocery store to global travel and setting up international sales and distribution, he brings a vast array of knowledge that spans many industries including retail, high-tech, medical, manufacturing, and distribution.He is the proud father of four children and lives on Long Island with his loving wife who has dedicated her career to children with special needs.Life is about continuous progress not chasing perfection.”Mr.Zev Asch is an Adjunct Marketing Professor at Touro College.
Are You Authoritarian?
How Theodor Adorno’s F-scale aimed to identify fascism and authoritarian…
Are you part of the 74% that will knowingly choose the wrong answer to fit in?
A few weeks ago I learned about a series of psychology experiments done by Solomon Asch in the 1950s known as the Asch Conformity tests.I was shocked by the results and engrossed with tracking their second and third order effects.Like a newly learned word that you start seeing everywhere, I can’t seem to go a day without being confronted with Solomon Asch’s findings.
Are You Stressed?
Measure your stress levels with this 5-minute stress test.
Can We Explain Gender Differences in Officer Career Progression?
The report provides a quantitative analysis of the differences in the career progression of officers based on gender, as well as the factors that explain these differences.
Do Bonuses Affect Enlistment and Reenlistment?
Congress has questioned the scope and efficacy of enlistment and reenlistment bonuses, but Army high-quality recruiting would have been lower without them; they are more cost-effective than pay but less so than recruiters as a way to gain recruits.
Ensuring Language Capability in the Intelligence Community: What Factors Affect the Best Mix of Military, Civilians, and Contractors?
Draws on interviews, academic literature, and an exploratory quantitative analysis to identify factors that affect the cost-effectiveness of military, government, and contractor personnel in providing language capability in the intelligence community.
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Have Improved Resources Increased Military Recruiting and Retention?
This research brief assesses the effects of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 and reviews the context of military recruiting and retention in recent years.
How Do Federal Civilian Pay Freezes and Retirement Plan Changes Affect Employee Retention in the Department of Defense?
The dynamic retention model is used to provide an initial assessment of how compensation policies, including pay freezes, unpaid furloughs, and changes to civil service retirement, affect retention of federal civil service workers.
Looking to the Future: What Does Transformation Mean for Military Manpower and Personnel Policy?
Discusses how manpower and personnel policies can be used to produce the changes in military culture needed for transformation.
Nap for Performance?
Polyphasic sleep patterns, daytime naps and their impact on performance.
The author draws on a large body of research on recruiting and examines tools and resources—including recruiters and recruiting management, eligibility criteria, and pay and bonuses—that can help the Army meet recruiting challenges.
Identifies factors that explain trends in black and Hispanic representation among high-quality recruits in the Army and Navy; considers which policies are likely to be most effective in increasing high-quality enlistments within different groups.
Reserve Recruiting and the College Market: Is a New Educational Benefit Needed?
Preliminary assessment of new educational benefits programs, such as those offered by some active components, to help reserve components attract high-quality recruits and of whether potential of programs warrants further evaluation.
Should the Increase in Military Pay Be Slowed?
Assembles the latest available data on recruiting, retention, and military versus civilian pay, and recommends a slower increase in military pay.Discusses implementation strategies if the Defense Department moves forward with limited pay increases.
Should Uncle Sam Want You?
Despite some calls to reinstitute the draft, Beth Asch writes in an commentary that the all-volunteer military is working just fine.
Slave To Your Role?
Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment revealed how social roles can influence…
Supplemental Career Paths for Air Force Pilots: A Warrant Officer Component or an Aviation Technical Track?
This report documents analyses of two ways to supplement the traditional Air Force pilot career path to enhance force sustainment: a warrant officer component to fill pilot requirements or an aviation technical track for commissioned officers.
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Want To Study Psychology?
Forming Impressions of Personality by Solomon Asch is a classic study in the psychology of interpersonal perception.The central tenet of this research is that particular information we have about a person, namely the traits we believe they possess, is the most important factor in establishing our overall impression of that person.
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Which Archetype Are You?
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Who Should Join the ASCH?
Our members represent every facet of scholarship.We welcome practitioners of all backgrounds, whether you are a professional academic, graduate student, seminarian, clergyperson, primary or secondary school teacher, or an independent scholar.