
Overview of BaaSid

  • BaaSid Decentralized Storage (DeStorage), AWS S3, MS Azure API compatible storage development completion and BaaS Cloud Service launch announcementBaaSid has completed the API integration between AWS S3 and MS Azure so that customers can quickly and easily build decentralized storage for new competitiveness in the existing cloud storage market and user convenience of DeStorage.
  • BaaSid의 2FA 인증은 해커가 사용자 단말기의 모든 정보를 원격으로 인증을 시도하거나 모든 정보를 탈취하여 인증을 시도해도 본인의 직접 입력 없이는 절대 어떠한 외부에서의 인증시도는 불가능하다.물론,사용자 정보와 키를 1,000조각 이상으로 쪼개고 다수의 Node에 분리 저장하여 이 모든 조각정보를 다시 모으거나 조합, Instant Access, 사용자 Biometric 정보복원(BaaSid는 사용자의 Biometric 정보도 조각 내어 분리저장)하는 복잡하고 까다로운 전 과정을 통과하여 인증하는 것도 거의 불가능하다.그야말로 탈 중앙화 기술과 블록체인 기술이 잘 조화되어 근래 가장 혁신적인 실사용 사례라 할 수 있다.
  • BaaSid is a completely new authentication network that does not have a separate centralized DB server, but is certified in a private information public network.BaaSid divides the texts and images of personal information, splits and distributes them on a public network based on a block chain.
  • BaaSid uses a patented engine to shred the source of text or image type personal information and dissociates it into hundreds or thousands of data fragments, and then saves them through distribution.
  • BaaSid의 관계자는,탈중앙화와 블록체인기반의 디스토리지(Decentralized Storage)와 V2 인증 서비스는 대형 클라우드 기업들과 전략적으로 Api 호환을 통해 새로운 인증 및 스토리지의 모멘텀을 제공하고 의료,은행,기업,관공서등 기존 고객과 신규고객을 대상으로 다양한 영업전략을 함께 진행할 것이라고 전했다.
  • BaaSid will NEVER solicit payments via social media (Telegram, Slack, etc.), The address for all Token Sales will ONLY BE PUBLISHED ON THE BAASID WEBSITE.
  • BaaSid price Index provides the latest BAAS price in US Dollars , BTC and ETH using an average from the world's leading crypto exchanges.
  • Baasid는 가장 불편하던 문제점에서 블록체인을 통해 활용하는 방법을 찾았습니다.즉 공공네트워크 인증을 통해여, 문제를 해결하는 것인데, 본인의 개인 인증 강화를 위해’1회성 인스턴트 엑세스’를 통해 더욱 가볍고 빠른 인증 시스템을 구현할 수 있습니다.
  • BaaSid는 지난 2019년 12월 다국적 기업인 Hitachisunway와도 손을 잡고 Hitachi cloud의 새로운 브렌드인eXcel시리즈에서 eXcelKEY와 eXcelDRIVE의 구축과 솔루션을 100% 제공한 바 있다.
  • BaaSid (CURRENCY:BAAS) traded up 0.6% against the dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 13:00 PM ET on January 3rd.
  • Blockchain

    The solution of BaaSid about smart city, our major solution is digital ID and utilizing Blockchain to protect personal information in government.In the front end, BaaSid integrate and store multiple IDs in the user’s mobile device.And we take biological authenticate to fulfill authentication between user and ID.We can omit many steps when we dealing with the procedure of public institutions.Besides, personal information storing in government will be encrypted and split into fragments to storage through BaaSid’s unique system.This new technology combines with Blockchain technology to protect public and personal information in high level security, which avoids information leaking or illegal hacking.


    (Description provided by CryptoCompare)


    ? What is “BaaSid”?

    BaaS is the abbreviation for Blockchain as a Service, which is a concept where a blockchain infrastructure is borrowed partially, or in its entirety, for the development of internet services related to exisiting web services, app services, and blockchain services (cryptocurrency exchanges, etc.).

    How do I buy BaaSid?

    It is not possible to buy all cryptocurrencies with U.S.dollars.Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin and other popular cryptocurrencies can be purchased with U.S.dollars using Coinbase or BlockFi.Once you have purchased Bitcoin using Coinbase, you can then transfer your Bitcoin to an exchange such as Binance to purchase other cryptocurrencies, including BaaSid.

    How Many BaaSid Coins Are There?

    There are currently 5,500,000,000 BaaSid coins circulating out of a max supply of 10,000,000,000.

    What coins are similar to BaaSid?

    The following coins use BaaSid’s ETH Token algorithm and proof-type: Chainlink, THETA, Binance USD, DREP, DREP [old], PancakeSwap, Aave, Maker, FTX Token, Huobi Token, Coin, Dai, Polygon, Chiliz and Holo.

    What do you think about the BaaSid today?

    Let us know by clicking the given button.

    What hashing algorithm does BaaSid use?

    BaaSid is a coin that uses the ETH Token algorithm.

    What Is BaaSid's Price Today?

    BaaSid (BAAS) is trading at $0.01147 USD, decreasing by -0.5% since yesterday.BaaSid has traded $0 USD in the last 24 hours.

    What is BaaSid?

    BaaSid divides the texts and images of personal information, splits and distributes them on a public network based on a block chain.BaaSid is a 100% decentralized personal information network that enables all companies to securely and conveniently use all their personal authentication without operating a centralized DB server.

    What is BaaSid?

    BaaSid (Blockchain as a Service) is an authentication blockchain-based project that aims to offer certificate services to ISP (Internet Service Providers) from numerous peer-to-peer links.The BaaSid creates a one-time access through encryption, fragmentation, summon, correlation, descrambling and biometric verification.The previous factors enable the user to gain immediate access without losing time in numerous procedures.The issued token from BaaSid is BAAS.BAAS is an Ethereum-based ERC20 token with the objective of providing to the network users a compensation for their activity and instant access.

    What is the value of BaaSid?

    One BaaSid (BAAS) is currently worth $0.01 on major cryptocurrency exchanges.You can also exchange one BaaSid for 0.00000021 bitcoin(s) on major exchanges.The value (or market capitalization) of all available BaaSid in U.S.dollars is $63.09 million.

    Where can I get BaaSid wallet?

    BaaSid produces its own wallet software that is available for download on its website, which allows you to store BaaSid on your computer.For maximum security, you can store your cryptocurrencies on a dedicated hardware wallet such as a TREZOR wallet or a Ledger Nano X.If you do not wish to buy a hardware wallet, you may consider using a mobile wallet such as Atomic Wallet, Jaxx, or Coinomi to store multiple cryptocurrencies with some added security benefits.

    Why “BaaSid”?

    The philosophy behind the blockchain dreams of world that is free from the centralization of existing vested interests such as governments, banks, institutions, corporations (various forms of political, economical, social and cultural powers and for-profit or non-profit powers of concerned groups) from where asset trading and credibility is maintained by means of a public ledger for individuals to create proactive opportunites for themselves amongst a wide range of parties concerned.

    History of BaaSid