Overview of Bitcoin Candy
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Bitcoin is the first peer-to-peer digital currency, also known as cryptocurrency.It is famous for its decentralized transactions, meaning that there is no central governing body operating it, such as a central bank.Bitcoin News will help you to get the latest information about what is happening in the market.
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How much is 1 Candy in Bitcoin?
1 Candy is
0.000000001 Bitcoin.
How to buy Bitcoin Candy (CDY) from above-listed exchanges?
Step 1: Click on Buy Bitcoin Candy (CDY) from Exchange button.Step 2: You will be redirected to the exchange.Step 3: Sign up if you do not have an account with that exchange else log in.Step 4: See if the exchange support fiat currency or cryptocurrency or both.Step 5: Deposit the currency it supports and buy the currency you want.
Money Grabs?
George Kimionis, a developer of mobile cryptocurrency wallets, believes that most bitcoin forks are simple money grabs.“Unfortunately, most fork-based projects we see today are more of a sheer money grab,” he says, adding that “looking back a few years from now we might realize that they were just mutations fostered by investors blinded by numerical price increases, rather than honest attempts to contribute to the blockchain ecosystem.
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