Overview of BSHA3
Other than the different algorithm the coin follows Bitcoin’s math with 50 BSHA3 coins per block, 10 minute block time and 21 million coins to be ever mined in total.The BSHA3 project was apparently revealed last year, however it seems that the original developer of the coin has abandoned his work and a bit earlier this year it has been revived as a community supported project.The original chain relied on 2016 block difficulty adjustment as well, though that apparently caused it to get stuck at a point, so the new community fork at block 20418 with the new LWMA 3 difficulty algorithm was made available to fix the problem and restore the network.
BSHA3 is apparently the first crypto coin to use the SHA3d algorithm (like SHA3-256, but two iterations each time – in the spirit of Bitcoin’s SHA-256d).Other than the different algorithm the coin follows Bitcoin’s math with 50 BSHA3 coins per block, 10 minute block time and 21 million coins to be ever mined in total.
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What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is an experimental digital currency that enables instant payments to
anyone, anywhere in the world.Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate
with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried
out collectively by the network.Bitcoin Core is the name of open source
software which enables the use of this currency.
What is BSHA3?
BSHA3 is an experimental blockchain based on Bitcoin.Almost all instances of SHA256, a prominent algorithm throughout Bitcoin, are replaced with SHA3-256.
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