Overview of ejob
regular, budgeted positions.
ejob differentiates itself by providing a constructive platform that will set the industry standard in the blockchain world for connecting an individual in search of a service with an individual or organization providing that particular service.The official Bitcoin Billionaire app will help you start an online trading business and in further exploration of Blockchain technology.E-job will allow virtually any service to be advertised on its platform, users on one end will be able to search for services they need on a local and global scale and vice versa, service providers can advertise on a local or global scale.
Was bietet der eJob-Room für Arbeitsuchende?
Im AMS eJob-Room haben Sie zahlreiche Funktionen, die Ihnen die Suche und Verwaltung ihrer Bewerbungsunterlagen erleichtern.
Was bietet der eJob-Room für Lehrlinge?
Der AMS e-Job-Room ist auch die größte Lehrstellenbörse Österreichs! Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einer Lehrstelle sind, dann sind Sie hier genau richtig.
Who is Olly?
The main goal in this mission is to connect consumers to the right service provider.The future of ejob is going to be something like having a Personal Assistant.Someone that knows who you are and where you’re values, interest and priorities lie, that’s where Olly comes in.