- 1 Overview of Expo Token
- 2 Transactions
- 3 Anyone ever see this Columbian Expo token struck over 40 year old Arrows and Rays quarter?
- 4 Comment about this page?
- 5 Is expo-server-sdk popular?
- 6 Is expo-server-sdk safe to use?
- 7 Is expo-server-sdk well maintained?
- 8 Need Web Hosting?
- 9 Ready to build?
- 10 Want Daily EXPO Price Updates?
- 11 Want to post a comment?
- 12 What are in-app notifications?
- 13 What are push notifications?
- 14 What are push notifications?
- 15 What is expo-server-sdk?
- 16 What's next?
- 17 History of Expo Token
Overview of Expo Token
Thanks to the closed chain of services on Online Expo, customers (exhibitors, sellers, traders of offline expo) by using Expo Token can significantly reduce the business processes costs, by freeing themselves from various external commissions.Virtual exhibition services payment are more profitable, since the discount from 10 to 50% for all services is provided in condition if Expo Token payment is done.In ExpoMarket you can use tokens to purchase not even goods by end users of expo, but also raw materials, equipment for the same products production, which significantly reduces their cost and price for customers.Companies can look for employees and vendors by paying for their Expo Token services.In turn, employees can exchange them for any currency or use to promote their resume.All the company services are aimed at the cash cycle within one ecosystem, which maximally cover the majority of business processes and significantly saves their money and time.Using the Expo Arbitrage service, customers can enter into secure transactions without commissions with help of EXPO token.
Anyone ever see this Columbian Expo token struck over 40 year old Arrows and Rays quarter?
I kept looking at the rays on the reverse of this token and thought it was overstruck an 1853 Arrows and Rays quarter until I confirmed it by reading the description.It was struck in 1893 so that would mean the coin was 40 years old when it was overstruck.
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Is expo-server-sdk popular?
The npm package expo-server-sdk receives a total of
23,740 weekly downloads.As such,
expo-server-sdk popularity was classified as
recognized.Visit the
popularity section
on Snyk Advisor to see the full health analysis.
Is expo-server-sdk safe to use?
The npm package expo-server-sdk was scanned for
known vulnerabilities and missing license, and no issues were
found.Thus the package was deemed as
safe to use.See the full
health analysis review.
Is expo-server-sdk well maintained?
We found indications that expo-server-sdk maintenance is
sustainable demonstrating some project activity.We saw a total of 30 open source contributors
collaborating on the project.See the full
package health analysis
to learn more about the package maintenance status.
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What are in-app notifications?
In-app notifications are messages that pop up while your app is in-use to inform a user of relevant
actions related to another screen in your application from their current screen.ChatKitty sends notifications
to your app through the ChatKitty JavaScript SDK.You can listen for these notifications and use them
to build in-app notification views.
What are push notifications?
Push notifications are messages or alerts sent by the makers of an application the user has installed.There are two main types of notifications, namely foreground and background notifications.
What are push notifications?
Push notifications are short messages sent to mobile devices to alert a user when something of interests
happen, and provide information related to that event even when your app isn't currently in-use.Push notifications are a great way to engage your users and improve your customer experience.Push
notifications are a critical part of most chat apps and have traditionally been difficult to implement.However, the Expo framework provides seamless support for push notifications, simplifying the process of
send push notifications to your users.
What is expo-server-sdk?
Server-side library for working with Expo using Node.js.Visit Snyk Advisor to see a
full health score report
for expo-server-sdk, including popularity, security, maintenance
& community analysis.
What's next?
In the next post of this series,
we'll be enhancing your chat app's user experience with direct messaging, typing indicators, and chat
presence notifications.Stay tuned for more.