Overview of Fera
FERA’s “State Series, March 1933–1936” (Entry 10) contains important correspondence with state relief administrators, arranged alphabetically by state or territory and then by decimal scheme according to the following classifications: “General Correspondence” (400), “Rural Rehabilitation” (410), “Transients” (420), “Education” (430), “Medical Care” (440), “Work Relief” (450), and “Complaints” (460).
FERA would take up the jobs challenge directly in the Winter of 1933-34 through the Civil Works Administration (CWA) and that would lead to the largest of all New Deal employment programs, the Works Progress Administration (WPA), enacted in 1935 (see our summaries of FERA, CWA, CCC and WPA for more details).
FERA and the Seattle Salvation Army collaborated in the operation of shelters for homeless men at two locations in Seattle: 213-1/2 Second Avenue South (the former United States Immigration Building) and at 117-1/2 Main Street.
Fera offers a wide range of standardised laboratory studies, aged residue tests as well as more complex higher tier studies under exseemed laboratory, glasshouse, semi-field and field conditions with standard or bespoke designs.
Fera offer extensive authenticity analysis capabilities across a range of samples, which include our extensive Manuka honey testing ability, where we can highlight the presence of Manuka’s active ingredients within one ‘Quad Test’.
Fera atseem, exhibit and host a broad array of international events
that explore the full scope of our scientific expertise and allow us to
engage with our industry, academic and government stakeholders.
Fera offers a suite of crop health services, resources, testing facilities and expertise to help farmers, growers and the food industry to improve yields, reduce costs and develop sustainable solutions.
FERA accepted as elementary that all needy persons and their dependents should receive sufficient relief to prevent physical suffering and to maintain a minimum standard of living.” (Williams p.
Fera is proudly stepping up the fight against an invasive tree pest of sweet chestnut trees, the Oriental Chestnut Gall Wasp, as announced by the UK’s Chief Plant Health Officer.
FERA had three primary objectives: 1) Adequacy of relief measures; 2) providing work for employable people on the relief rolls; and 3) diversification of relief programs.
At Fera our experts can develop and carry out a standard microbiological testing method to assess the bacterial content of food and beverage products as well as feed products to determine their use by date as well as associated hygiene or product practices.
Fera has a comprehensive range of analytical, authenticity, fraud prevention and knowledge management services to support the fish and aquaculture industry.Helping to ensure quality and safety in this growing industry.
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We recognize that this is still a challenging time for many customers, but we want to help.We have many programs and services that can provide immediate financial assistance for those who need it.Learn more about our Assistance Programs or set up payment arrangements in My Account.
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Proficiency testing (PT) is an independent check of your laboratory procedures that provides you with a completely confidential assessment of your capability.
Want to see who we are?
Fera Commerce Inc © 2017-2021.
Where is this information from?
GovTrack automatically collects legislative information from a variety of governmental and non-governmental sources.This page is sourced primarily from
Congress.gov, the official portal of the United States Congress.Congress.gov is generally updated one day after events occur, and so legislative activity shown here may be one day behind.Data via the congress project.
Who Are We?
FERA is an independent evaluation group based in Ann Arbor, Michigan that has provided evaluation and learning opportunities to the nonprofit sector for over 40 years.
History of Fera
In 1932 during the Great Depression approximately one-fourth of America’s work force was unemployed.
In 1934, Key West went bankrupt and state turned the city over to the FERA in a dubious constitutional move.
In 1935 Roosevelt announced a major change in relief policy.
In 1975, Spock and his wife divorced, and in 1976 he married Mary Morgan, a feminist activist 40 years his junior.
In 1984 Aum Shinrikyo was a very small group, with only 15 people.
In 1989 the Tokyo Metropolitan Government granted Asahara permission to register Aum Shinrikyo as a religious corporation, which meant that the government would not be allowed to investigate its religious activities or doctrine.