Overview of Huni
Through its use and development of innovative technologies and techniques, the HuNI project proposes some large questions, far beyond the specific queries of participating researchers: how might the opportunities presented by an unprecedented proliferation of networked data also challenge the unspoken assumptions and ordinary practices of conventional humanities research?Underlying the HuNI initiative is the recognition that cultural data is not economically, culturally, or socially insular, and, in order to explore its dimensions fully, researchers need to collaborate across disciplines, institutions, and social locations.5 If we understand humanities research problems as comprising interdependent networks of institutional, social, and commercial practices, then it follows that new kinds of “evidence” and new ways of organizing, accessing, and presenting this evidence are critical for our enquiries.
The HuNI virtual laboratory is designed to support the nonlinear and recursive research methods practiced in the humanities.HuNI provides discovery tools for casual users from the wider community, but more sophisticated functionality is available to researchers who register for an account in the virtual laboratory.Registered researchers have their own personal workspace within HuNI.Central to the design of the HuNI platform is the recognition that HuNI users will already be comfortable with existing tools and workflows.Consequently, researchers can authenticate themselves using social media logins and will also be able to share their discoveries and activities through their existing social media accounts.
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Was signing Huni good for EG?
Signing Huni will throw Evil Geniuses off balance if the team decides to use him as a starter.Huni is an aggressive player that demands attention from the jungle.That’s not the style that Evil Geniuses played in the spring, as the squad prioritized the mid and bottom lane, often leaving top laner Colin “Kumo” Zhao to fend for himself.With Huni in the lineup, this dynamic will most likely change.
What Options Does Huni Have?
Look at the rest of the teams’ top laners.Cloud9, 100T, and TSM have the first, second, and third all-pro top laners respectively and are very unlikely to pick up Huni.As for the other playoff teams Golden Guardians and EG seem the most likely teams acquire him.EG does not play around top often and Kumo seems to be finding his footing as a weak side player.Flyquest, despite V1per struggling, seem to have found success with Solo.Outside of the playoffs teams TL is almost certainly not going to part ways with Impact.Immortals and CLG might be inclined to make some changes, but Huni would honestly only be a side-grade for either team.Also, he likely comes with a large increase in overhead.If he wants to stay in the LCS he’ll likely have to slide into Academy and prove he deserves a starting spot.