Meter Stable

Overview of Meter Stable

  • Meter Stable price Index provides the latest MTR price in US Dollars , BTC and ETH using an average from the world's leading crypto exchanges.
  • Meter Stable's share of the entire cryptocurrency market is 0.00% with the market capitalization of $ 1.08 Million.
  • Meter Stable’s market cap currently sits at $ USD, holding up for a market cap rank at #3077.
  • Meter Stable mapped by has a maximum supply of ∞ EMTR and a circulating supply of ?
  • Meter Stable price today is $3.57 USD, which is up by 4.73% over the last 24 hours.
  • Meter Stable had an all-time high of $1.2362 9 months ago.
  • Meter Stable’s 24 trading volume is $ 206.71 Thousands.
  • Meter Stable (MTR) operates on its own blockchain.
  • Meter Stable's market cap is unknown.
  • Meter Stable is traded on exchanges.
  • Hello! What’s your background, and what are you working on?

    Hi! I’m Xiaohan Zhu, and I’m the co-founder and CEO of Meter.My background is a mix of engineering and finance.The first 15 years of my career were in R&D and engineering with companies like Huawei, Microsoft, Sony, and Motorola.After I got my MBA from Wharton, I started moving into strategy and investments.

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    What are your future thoughts for the DeFi market?

    The recent growth of DeFi has been amazing, and we truly believe that this space is going to significantly change the world.DeFi apps have given citizens access to financial products and services that they normally would not have.

    What are your goals for the future?

    We have many products in the pipeline that will help us pursue our mission of bringing a more stable DeFi environment to the masses.

    What do you think about the Meter Stable today?

    Let us know by clicking the given button.

    What is a Mining Pool?

    When miners group together to use their combined processing power, this is called a mining pool.The rewards from mining are split proportionally according to the amount of hash power miners contribute to the pool.

    What is Meter Stable?

    Meter is Layer 1 DeFi infrastructure with a Proof-of-Work-mined, low-volatility coin, MTR, at its core.

    What is Meter’s backstory?

    We came up with the idea for Meter in 2018 after talking to hundreds of DApp developers working on decentralized financial applications (“DeFi” wasn’t really popular back then!).

    What went into building Meter?

    Due to all of the innovations that we’ve built into the Meter network, it took about two years to go from ideation to mainnet launch, which happened on July 4, 2020 (Independence Day in the US!).

    What’s your business model?

    There will be a couple of ways we’ll accrue revenue.

    What’s your position on the regulatory landscape today?

    Regulation in crypto will always be a concern.Each country approaches regulation in a different way, and the rules are constantly in flux, so we are always monitoring this situation.

    Where can we go to learn more?

    To learn more about all things Meter, please join us on our website, Twitter, Telegram, Discord, Facebook, YouTube, and our discussion forum.

    Why does lowering water activity inhibit the growth of pathogens?

    As the Marianskis so vividly put it in The Art of Making Fermented Sausages, controlling water activity “is like stealing food from the bacteria.” Lowering water activity “locks up” water, ultimately making it impossible for bacteria to reproduce.Let’s look at this in more detail.

    Why Meter?

    Your favorite Ethereum dApps don't have to be costly to be fast and highly decentralized.Financial assets should flow freely among blockchains.

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    As the official journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology, Ethnomusicology is the premier publication in the field.Its scholarly articles represent current theoretical perspectives and research in ethnomusicology and related fields, while playing a central role in expanding the discipline in the United States and abroad.Aimed at a diverse audience of musicologists, anthropologists, folklorists, cultural studies scholars, musicians, and others, this inclusive journal also features book, recording, film, video, and multimedia reviews.Peer-reviewed by the Society’s international membership, Ethnomusicology has been published three times a year since the 1950s.

    History of Meter Stable