
Overview of Newton

  • Newton made clear his heliocentric view of the Solar System—developed in a a fewwhat modern way because already in the mid-1680s he recognised the “deviation of the Sun” from the centre of gravity of the Solar System.[62] For Newton, it was not precisely the centre of the Sun or any other body that could be considered at rest, but rather “the common centre of gravity of the Earth, the Sun and all the Planets is to be esteem’d the Centre of the World”, and this centre of gravity “either is at rest or moves uniformly forward in a right line” (Newton adopted the “at rest” alternative in view of common consent that the centre, wherever it was, was at rest).[63]
  • Newton and Robert Boyle’s approach to the mechanical philosophy was promoted by rationalist pamphleteers as a viable alternative to the pantheists and enthusiasts, and was accepted hesitantly by orthodox preachers as well as dissident preachers like the latitudinarians.[137] The clarity and simplicity of science was seen as a way to combat the emotional and metaphysical superlatives of both superstitious enthusiasm and the threat of atheism,[138] and at the same time, the second wave of English deists used Newton’s discoveries to demonstrate the possibility of a “Natural Religion”.
  • Newton”.[24]
    Clarke complained that Leibniz’s concept of God as a “supra-mundane intelligence” who set up a “pre-established harmony” was only a step from atheism: “And as those men, who preseem that in an earthly government things may go on perfectly well without the king himself ordering or disposing of any thing, may reasonably be suspected that they would like very well to set the king aside: so, whosoever conseems, that the beings of the world can go on without the continual direction of God…his doctrine does in effect seem to exclude God out of the world”.[25]
  • Newton’s work has been said “to distinctly advance every branch of mathematics then studied.”[22] His work on the subject usually referred to as fluxions or calculus, seen in a manuscript of October 1666, is now published among Newton’s mathematical papers.[23] The author of the manuscript De analysi per aequationes numero terminorum infinitas, sent by Isaac Barrow to John Collins in June 1669, was identified by Barrow in a letter sent to Collins in August of that year as “[…] of an extraordinary genius and proficiency in these things.”[24]
  • Newton’s postulate of an invisible force able to act over vast distances led to him being criticised for introducing “occult agencies” into science.[64] Later, in the second edition of the Principia (1713), Newton firmly rejected such criticisms in a concluding General Scholium, writing that it was enough that the phenomena implied a gravitational attraction, as they did; but they did not so far indicate its cause, and it was both unnecessary and improper to frame hypotheses of things that were not implied by the phenomena.
  • Newton had a close friendship with the Swiss mathematician Nicolas Fatio de Duillier, whom he met in London around 1689[67]—a few of their correspondence has survived.[96][97] Their relationship came to an abrupt and unexplained end in 1693, and at the same time Newton suffered a nervous breakdown[98] which included sending wild accusatory letters to his friends Samuel Pepys and John Locke—his note to the latter included the charge that Locke “endeavoured to embroil me with woemen”.[99]
  • Newton died in his sleep in London on 20 March 1727 (OS 20 March 1726; NS 31 March 1727).[a] His body was buried in Westminster Abbey.[101] Voltaire may have been present at his funeral.[102] A bachelor, he had divested much of his estate to relatives during his last years, and died intestate.[103] His papers went to John Conduitt and Catherine Barton.[104] After his death, Newton’s hair was examined and found to contain mercury, probably resulting from his alchemical pursuits.
  • Newton gave Boyle’s ideas their completion through mathematical proofs, and more importantly was very successful in popularizing them.[49] Newton refashioned the world governed by an interventionist God into a world crafted by a God that designs along rational and universal principles.[50] These principles were available for all people to discover, allowed man to pursue his own aims fruitfully in this life, not the next, and to perfect himself with his own rational powers.[51]
  • Newton himself often told the story that he was inspired to formulate his theory of gravitation by watching the fall of an apple from a tree.[156][157] The story is believed to have passed into popular knowledge after being related by Catherine Barton, Newton’s niece, to Voltaire.[158] Voltaire then wrote in his Essay on Epic Poetry (1727), “Sir Isaac Newton walking in his gardens, had the first thought of his system of gravitation, upon seeing an apple falling from a tree.”
  • Newton relied upon the existing Scripture for prophecy, believing his interpretations would set the record straight in the face of what he considered to be, “so little understood”.[37] Though he would never write a cohesive body of work on Prophecy, Newton’s beliefs would lead him to write several treatises on the subject, including an unpublished guide for prophetic interpretation titled Rules for interpreting the words & language in Scripture.
  • Mine

    In Principia, Newton formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation that formed the dominant scientific viewpoint until it was superseded by the theory of relativity.Newton used his mathematical description of gravity to derive Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, account for tides, the trajectories of comets, the precession of the equinoxes and other phenomena, eradicating doubt about the Solar System’s heliocentricity.He demonstrated that the motion of objects on Earth and celestial bodies could be accounted for by the same principles.Newton’s inference that the Earth is an oblate spheroid was later confirmed by the geodetic measurements of Maupertuis, La Condamine, and others, convincing most European scientists of the superiority of Newtonian mechanics over earlier systems.


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    In 1679, Newton returned to his work on celestial mechanics by considering gravitation and its effect on the orbits of planets with reference to Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.This followed stimulation by a brief exchange of letters in 1679–80 with Hooke, who had been appointed to manage the Royal Society’s correspondence, and who opened a correspondence intended to elicit contributions from Newton to Royal Society transactions.[51] Newton’s reawakening interest in astronomical matters received further stimulus by the appearance of a comet in the winter of 1680–1681, on which he corresponded with John Flamsteed.[59] After the exchanges with Hooke, Newton worked out proof that the elliptical form of planetary orbits would result from a centripetal force inversely proportional to the square of the radius vector.Newton communicated his results to Edmond Halley and to the Royal Society in De motu corporum in gyrum, a tract written on about nine sheets which was copied into the Royal Society’s Register Book in December 1684.[60] This tract contained the nucleus that Newton developed and expanded to form the Principia.

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    How was Isaac Newton educated?

    After interrupted attendance at the grammar school in Grantham, Lincolnshire, England, Isaac Newton finally settled down to prepare for university, going on to Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1661, somewhat older than his classmates.There he immersed himself in Aristotle’s work and discovered the works of René Descartes before graduating in 1665 with a bachelor’s degree.

    What was Isaac Newton’s childhood like?

    Isaac Newton was born to a widowed mother (his father died three months prior) and was not expected to survive, being tiny and weak.Shortly thereafter Newton was sent by his stepfather, the well-to-do minister Barnabas Smith, to live with his grandmother and was separated from his mother until Smith’s death in 1653.

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    What is Isaac Newton most famous for?

    Although Isaac Newton is well known for his discoveries in optics (white light composition) and mathematics (calculus), it is his formulation of the three laws of motion—the basic principles of modern physics—for which he is most famous.His formulation of the laws of motion resulted in the law of universal gravitation.

    What did Isaac Newton write?

    Isaac Newton is widely known for his published work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687), commonly known as the Principia.His laws of motion first appeared in this work.It is one of the most important single works in the history of modern science.

    History of Newton

  • In 1664, while still a student, Newton read recent work on optics and light by the English physicists Robert Boyle and Robert Hooke; he also studied both the mathematics and the physics of the French philosopher and scientist René Descartes.
  • In 1666, Newton observed that the spectrum of colours exiting a prism in the position of minimum deviation is oblong, even when the light ray entering the prism is circular, which is to say, the prism refracts different colours by different angles.[40][41] This led him to conclude that colour is a property intrinsic to light – a point which had, until then, been a matter of debate.
  • In 1667 Newton became a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge,[13] making necessary his commitment to taking Holy Orders within seven years of completing his MA, which he did the following year.
  • In 1671, the Royal Society asked for a demonstration of his reflecting telescope.[49] Their interest encouraged him to publish his notes, Of Colours,[50] which he later expanded into the work Opticks.
  • In 1679, Newton returned to his work on celestial mechanics by considering gravitation and its effect on the orbits of planets with reference to Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.
  • In 1684 Leibniz published his first paper on calculus; a small group of mathematicians took up his ideas.
  • In 1687, English mathematician Sir Isaac Newton published Principia, which hypothesizes the inverse-square law of universal gravitation.
  • In 1691, Duillier started to write a new version of Newton’s Principia, and corresponded with Leibniz.[33] In 1693, the relationship between Duillier and Newton deteriorated and the book was never completed.[citation needed]
  • In 1699 Newton was appointed Master of the Mint, and in 1703
    he was elected President of the Royal Society, a post he
    occupied until his death.
  • In 1704, Newton published Opticks, in which he expounded his corpuscular theory of light.
  • In 1710, Newton found 72 of the 78 “species” of cubic curves and categorised them into four types.[68] In 1717, and probably with Newton’s help, James Stirling proved that every cubic was one of these four types.
  • In 1713, the Royal Society formed a committee to decide once and for all who invented calculus.
  • In 1786 Laplace identified a large 900
    year fluctuation in the motions of Jupiter and Saturn arising from
    quite subtle features of their respective orbits.
  • In 1816, a tooth said to have belonged to Newton was sold for £730[110] (US$3,633) in London to an aristocrat who had it set in a ring.[111] Guinness World Records 2002 classified it as the most valuable tooth, which would value approximately £25,000 (US$35,700) in late 2001.[111] Who bought it and who currently has it has not been disclosed.
  • In 1872 the fifth earl passed all the Newton manuscripts he
    had to the University of Cambridge, where they were assessed
    and a detailed catalogue made.
  • In 1888, after spending sixteen years cataloguing Newton’s papers, Cambridge University kept a small number and returned the rest to the Earl of Portsmouth.
  • In 1903 a small portion of the southeast part of Dale county was joined to the newly formed Houston County.
  • In 1936, a descendant offered the papers for sale at Sotheby’s.[145] The collection was broken up and sold for a total of about £9,000.[146] John Maynard Keynes was one of about three dozen bidders who obtained part of the collection at auction.
  • In 1946, Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM) Resolution 2 standardized the unit of force in the MKS system of units to be the amount needed to accelerate 1 kilogram of mass at the rate of 1 metre per second squared.
  • In 1948, the 9th CGPM Resolution 7 adopted the name newton for this force.[2] The MKS system then became the blueprint for today’s SI system of units.
  • In 1983, after being tipped off by mushroom hunters, police found his remains with those of Adam Doe and two other boys near an abandoned barn off U.S.
  • In 2000 Cambridge University Library acquired a very
    important collection of scientific manuscripts from the Earl of
    Macclesfield, which included a significant number of Isaac
    Newton’s letters and other papers.
  • In 2006, Okuyama left Pininfarina and set up his own design firm, Newton Design Lab.
  • In 2015, Steven Weinberg, a Nobel laureate in physics, called Newton “a nasty antagonist” and “a bad man to have as an enemy”.[100] He particularly noted Newton’s attitude towards Robert Hooke and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
  • In 2018, the successor NEWTON S2 was launched with upgrades such as stronger motors and a passthrough for higher video resolution.
  • In 2019, John Rogers stated, “Heretics both, John Milton and Isaac Newton were, as most scholars now agree, Arians.”[9][10]
  • In the 1690s Newton’s friends proclaimed the priority of Newton’s methods of fluxions.
  • In the 1690s, Newton wrote a number of religious tracts dealing with the literal and symbolic interpretation of the Bible.
  • In the 1770s Laplace had developed a proper theory of the
    tides, reaching far beyond the suggestions Newton had made in the
    Principia by including the effects of the Earth’s
    rotation and the non-radial components of the gravitational forces of
    the Sun and Moon, components that dominate the radial component that
    Newton had singled out.