Overview of SENNO
Senno’s alleged failure to: (count I) adequately treat a patient with congestive heart failure; (count II) adequately manage a patient with diabetes mellitus; (count III) prescribe antibiotics without any clinical indication; (count IV) properly evaluate a patient with urethral discharge; (count V) properly prescribe medications; (count VI) address abnormal lab results and; (count VII) evaluate a patient with a possible ulcer while the patient was taking nonsteroidal drugs.
Senno acknowledged these were symptoms and not necessarily a sign of bacterial infection but he considered these symptoms in conjunction with the individual patient’s history which may include age, past surgeries, and past health issues to diagnose these patients with an upper respiratory infection or to determine an antibiotic is necessary for prophylactic purposes.
Senno prescribed antibiotics without clinical indication where antibiotics should only be used after a complete physical examination with laboratory results, where appropriate, that document that a bacterial infection process is present in a patient that can only be addressed by an antibiotic.
Senno testified the diagnosis in his billing statement of “nonspecific urethritis” indicated he did conduct a physical exam and found clear discharge, which indicated diagnostic testing was not necessary to support his choice of antibiotic therapy.
Senno recollected individual patient information which include being a heavy smoker, past surgeries, place of employment, renal failure, cardiac problems, surgical complications, and past illnesses to justify his prescribing antibiotics to the patients.
Senno had provided grossly inferior care, exposed his patients to risk of harm, and provided excessive care by failing to document sufficient physical exam findings that indicated the presence of a condition that necessitated an antibiotic.
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Senno (nee: Kearns) resident of Jensen Beach, Florida, and longtime resident of Carmel NY, departed this life Thursday, April 30, 2015, in the midst of her loving family.
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¶ 15 Regarding his diagnoses of “coughing,” “congestion,” and “sore throat” on his billing statements, Dr.
¶ 10 Dr.Fatoki opined that Dr.Senno overall relied on too little information to diagnose these patients with bacterial infections because what is documented could also indicate a viral infection, which is unresponsive to antibiotics.Dr.Fatoki testified Dr.Senno did not delve into his patient’s complaints, signs, and symptoms deep enough to determine the findings indicated a bacterial infection and did not document any information that would support a prophylactic purpose for the antibiotic.
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History of SENNO
In 1924, Senno became part of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic.
In 2011, in honor of this battle, a monument in the form of an IS-3 tank was erected in the city of Senno.