Overview of SENSO
Sensors made to reduce the impact of current low observable technologies exist or have been proposed which include IRST (infrared search and track) systems to detect even reduced heat emissions,[8] long wavelength radars to counter stealth shaping and RAM focused on shorter wavelength radar,[9] or radar setups with multiple emitters to counter stealth shaping.[10] However these do so with disadvantages compared to traditional radar against non-stealthy aircraft.
Sensorium Corporation and (or) any of its related entities does not make or purport to make any representation or warranty or undertaking in this White Paper or in connection with the SENSO purchase to any person, including any representation, warranty or undertaking relating to the truth, completeness, and accuracy of the information in this White Paper.
Senso-Optics is a leader in the design, development and production of innovative thermal imaging technologies and advanced electro-optical solutions for military, law enforcement and security markets.Senso-Optics offers a wide range of targeting and visual information solutions for day and night missions.
Sensory organs: posterior subcapsular cataracts, increased intraocular pressure with possible damage to the optic nerve, propensity to develop secondary bacterial, fungal or viral infections of the eye, trophic changes of the cornea, exophthalmos.
Senso is set in Italy around 1866, the year the Italian-Austrian war of unification would see the Veneto and most of Friuli-Venezia Giulia united to Italy after the Seven Weeks’ War between Austria on one side and Prussia and Italy on the other.
Sensory deficits are to the posterior and lateral aspect of arm (axillary nerve), radial side of the forearm (musculocutaneous nerve), and thumb and first finger (superficial branch of the radial nerve; digital branches of the median nerve).
Sensors convert signals in areas which include heat, humidity, pressure, presence of gases, pressure, acceleration and so forth into a digital signal that gets sent to a control and/or data aggregation system which include a sensor hub or gateway.
Senso is a 1954 Italian historical melodrama film, an adaptation of Camillo Boito’s Italian novella Senso by the Italian director Luchino Visconti, with Alida Valli as Livia Serpieri and Farley Granger as Lieutenant Franz Mahler.
Senso’s safeguarding cloud software unobtrusively integrates with Microsoft Teams chat, giving safeguarders access to alerts through the Senso Teams app or within the safeguarding logs within the Senso platform.
Sensor inputs include 2 PIR motion detectors, 10 IR range detectors, 2 Ultrasonic rangers, 4 bumpers, an electronic compass, and motor speed and direction monitors for each wheel.
All value transactions within this alternate universe are made through SENSO, which can be purchased on the Sensorium Galaxy website and/or exchanged in some of the world’s top cryptocurrency exchanges.SENSO is the in-platform currency of Sensorium Galaxy.
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What is Sensorium?
SENSO token is the in-platform currency of Sensorium Galaxy, a social VR platform that aims to rethink the way people interact with each other and experience the arts.ERC20 SENSO token drives all value transactions within Sensorium Galaxy, an alternate universe that is being built in partnership with artists, producers, and entertainment companies.
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History of SENSO
In 1154, the scientist and cartographer al-Idrisi made a map of the world that was better than the world maps Europeans were producing.
In 1966 Visconti’s luscious Falstaff for the Vienna State Opera conducted by Leonard Bernstein was critically acclaimed.
In 1991, Richard Axel and Linda Buck discovered how hundreds of genes in our DNA code for the odorant sensors located in the olfactory sensory neurons in our noses.
In 1998, Brunger and his team showed that the corkscrew-shaped SNARE proteins assemble into quartets of one syntaxin-1, one synaptobrevin, and two SNAP-25 helices.
In 1999, 18 years ago, when just 4% of the world’s population was online, Kevin Ashton coined the term Internet of Things, Neil Gershenfeld of MIT Media Lab wrote the book “When Things Start to Think,” and Neil Gross wrote in BusinessWeek: “In the next century, planet Earth will don an electronic skin.
In 2013, Hynek Burda, a sensory ecologist at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague who has worked on magnetic reception for 3 decades, and colleagues showed dogs tend to orient themselves north-south while urinating or defecating.
In 2015, Brunger’s team used electron cryo-microscopy to determine the structure of the supercomplex of SNAREs, the ATPase NSF, and the adapter protein α-SNAP.
In 2017, Nyugen Smith(USA/Trinidad/Haiti) and Marvin Fabien (Dominica/Martinique) presented, Lest We Forget, a multi-sensory performance derived from their on-going dialog related to the impacts of hurricanes and climate change in the Caribbean and the most venerable parts of the United States.
In 2017, the team determined atomic-resolution structures of the complex of the calcium sensor synaptotagmin-1, the regulator complexin, and the SNARE complex, revealing two essential interfaces that are essential for fast synchronous release of neurotransmitters.
In 2017, US Congress passed the National Quantum Initiative Act, establishing programs and incentives for quantum information technology, as well as a committee to advise the President on quantum developments.
In 2018, ATN proudly to introduced its 4th Generation line of products in both Day/Night Digital systems.
In 2019, with all of the sensors crowding the top of the Pixel 4, Google combined the 75-degree and 97-degree fields of view into a single still-wide 87-degree camera.