- 1 Overview of StakePool
- 3 Any questions?
- 4 Are my coins safe when I delegate?
- 5 Are smaller pools profitable?
- 6 But what happens if a pool gets stuck and is not noticed until the next morning?
- 7 Can I earn consistent rewards from operating a stake pool?
- 8 Comment faire une analyse fondamentale de cryptomonnaie ?
- 9 Comment faire une analyse fondamentale de cryptomonnaie ?
- 10 Comment fonctionne un mixer de cryptomonnaie ?
- 11 Comment fonctionne un mixer de cryptomonnaie ?
- 12 Do only big pools get selected to make blocks?
- 13 Does k=500 mean only the top 500 pools will be able to earn rewards?
- 14 Does the pool need to be 100% online to not lose performance?
- 15 How are Rewards Calculated?
- 16 How are we helping the comunity?
- 17 How do Fixed tax and percentage tax work?
- 18 How do I delegate to the Plutus Pool?
- 19 How do I register my stake pool?
- 20 How do i set up a stake pool?
- 21 How do I Stake ADA?
- 22 How do stake pool operators receive rewards?
- 23 How does a Stake pool work?
- 24 How does it work?
- 25 How profitable is running a stake pool? Has it been worth the effort and time for you?
- 26 I am looking to partner with Plutus pool – are you offering any pledge partnerships?
- 27 If I delegated to a pool during the Incentivized Test Net (ITN), do I need to redelegate for Mainnet?
- 28 If I spend or add funds to my wallet after I delegated to a pool, does the staked amount change automatically?
- 29 Is my ADA locked when I delegate to a pool?
- 30 Is my staked ADA locked or can I spend it while Staking?
- 31 Is the OUROS pool profitable?
- 32 La DeFi sur la Binance Smart Chain (BSC), une alternative à Ethereum ?
- 33 La DeFi sur la Binance Smart Chain (BSC), une alternative à Ethereum ?
- 34 Need a Website?
- 35 Où en est le projet Cardano ?
- 36 Où en est le projet Cardano ?
- 37 Où en est-on dans le bull run ?
- 38 Où en est-on dans le bull run ?
- 40 Pouvez-vous faire confiance aux stablecoins ?
- 41 Pouvez-vous faire confiance aux stablecoins ?
- 42 Q3How can I start to stake with you?
- 43 Q4How can I activate the Telegram Bot?
- 44 Q5How can I choose the staking way (a simple stake or masternode)?
- 45 Q6How do you calculate my reward?
- 46 Q7Ok but I see that of ABC_coin there are 3 MNs, where are my coins?
- 47 Q8How much is the Pool’s fees?
- 48 Q9Is it possible to reduce the fees?
- 49 Quando receberei minhas recompensas?
- 50 Que recompensas posso esperar após delegar?
- 51 Qu’est ce que le Trilemme des Blockchains ?
- 52 Qu’est ce que le Trilemme des Blockchains ?
- 53 Qu’est-ce qu’un exchange décentralisé (DEX) ?
- 54 Qu’est-ce qu’un exchange décentralisé (DEX) ?
- 55 Qu’est-ce qu’un Oracle (crypto) ?
- 56 Qu’est-ce qu’un Oracle (crypto) ?
- 57 Qu’est-ce qu’un smart contract ?
- 58 Qu’est-ce qu’un smart contract ?
- 59 Qu’est-ce qu’une dApp (Application décentralisée) ?
- 60 Qu’est-ce qu’une dApp (Application décentralisée) ?
- 61 Qu’est-ce qu’une liquidity pool ?
- 62 Qu’est-ce qu’une liquidity pool ?
- 63 Questions?
- 64 what about the future of Cardano?
- 65 What are the pool fees?
- 66 What are the technical requirements for running a stake pool?
- 67 What does the OUROS token do?
- 68 What fees will be allocated to the projects?
- 69 What if a Stake Pool is Hacked?
- 70 What is a DAO?
- 71 What is a Stake Pool?
- 72 What is a stake pool?
- 73 What is Smash?
- 74 What is Staking with Cardano?
- 75 What is Staking?
- 76 What is staking?
- 77 When do I get ADA Rewards?
- 78 When the pool can lose performance?
- 79 When will the OUROS token be available?
- 80 where should delegators stake instead of CRAB?
- 81 Why Cardano?
- 82 Why does it take two epochs to earn rewards?
- 83 Why Stake with ATM1?
- 84 Will I lose ADA while Staking?
- 85 History of StakePool
Overview of StakePool
A community-based cardano-node CLI tool.A community-based cardano-node CLI tool.A community-based cardano-node CLI tool.A community-based cardano-node CLI tool.It's a collection of utilities to enhance and extend beyond those available with the cardano-cli.It's a collection of utilities to enhance and extend beyond those available with the cardano-cli.It's a collection of utilities to enhance and extend beyond those available with the cardano-cli.It's a collection of utilities to enhance and extend beyond those available with the cardano-cli.
Any questions?
AzureADA stakepool has no relationship or affiliation to the Microsoft Azure cloud service, or Microsoft.We use the Microsoft Azure cloud for our Cardano servers and infrastructure, and since we love azure blue, we named our pool after that.Please do not conflate our pool in any way to an official Microsoft resource.We use Microsoft products and have Microsoft employees on staff, but there is no official relationship to Microsoft.
Are my coins safe when I delegate?
Yes, when you delegate no coins come out of your wallet, what happens is that you make a small transaction from your wallet, signing a contract with the stekepool saying that your amount of coins can be used in the lottery for the benefit of the chosen pool.That pool becomes responsible for processing the slots that contain the coins that will be sent to your wallet by the protocol at the end / beginning of each epoch.
Are smaller pools profitable?
Smaller pools are risky when the ability to process slots is put to the test.If a smaller pool loses a slot the impact is significant.
But what happens if a pool gets stuck and is not noticed until the next morning?
As mentioned above, a pool and its delegators are entitled to maximum returns in proportion to the staked amount.However, this becomes correspondingly less if only a part of the blocks is produced.
Can I earn consistent rewards from operating a stake pool?
We have already described how stake pool operators receive rewards.In practice, however, there are many other considerations to maximize your returns when running a pool.
Comment faire une analyse fondamentale de cryptomonnaie ?
Pour déterminer la valeur intrinsèque d’une cryptomonnaie, l’analyse fondamentale d’une cryptomonnaie va étudier les fondamentaux techniques et économiques de celles-ci.Elle sert principalement à déterminer si un jeton est surévalué ou sous-évalué par le marché.Dans cet article, nous allons couvrir ensemble une méthode d’analyse fondamentale.
Comment faire une analyse fondamentale de cryptomonnaie ?
Pour déterminer la valeur intrinsèque d’une cryptomonnaie, l’analyse fondamentale d’une cryptomonnaie va étudier les fondamentaux techniques et économiques de celles-ci.Elle sert principalement à déterminer si un jeton est surévalué ou sous-évalué par le marché.Dans cet article, nous allons couvrir ensemble une méthode d’analyse fondamentale.
Comment fonctionne un mixer de cryptomonnaie ?
Les blockchains Bitcoin et Ethereum sont publiques et transparentes.Il devrait donc être facile de retrouver les cryptos volées, ou accumulées suites à des activités illégales, non ? Pas si vite, les mixers ont inventé un stratagème intelligent.
Comment fonctionne un mixer de cryptomonnaie ?
Les blockchains Bitcoin et Ethereum sont publiques et transparentes.Il devrait donc être facile de retrouver les cryptos volées, ou accumulées suites à des activités illégales, non ? Pas si vite, les mixers ont inventé un stratagème intelligent.
Do only big pools get selected to make blocks?
No, they only have the best chance statistically.A pool with only 10 ADA in it could get selected, only its chances are extremely low.Over a very, very long period of time, this pool has the opportunity to earn the same amount of rewards as a pool with 10M ADA, but it will take much longer to even out.
Does k=500 mean only the top 500 pools will be able to earn rewards?
No, the k parameter only means pools will saturate at 0.2% of the total staked ADA.People can still delegate to over-saturated pools, and there can be any number of unsaturated pools.Basically, it just means only up to 500 pools can operate with the maximum amount of stake and not be saturated.
Does the pool need to be 100% online to not lose performance?
At the moment not for the sake of network implementation, in the future this will count as a performance factor.Today the operator needs to maintain knowledge of the slot election logs.So there are 2 moments that a pool needs to be online, the first is to get the log at the turn of Epoch and the second is when processing the slot, which are specific times of this 24h window.Pools need to operate 24 hours to better functioning of the network.
How are Rewards Calculated?
Every epoch (5-day cycle), a stake pool's rewards are totaled based on a stake pool's performance, which is the number of blocks the pool made vs.the number they are expected to make.
How are we helping the comunity?
The whole network is powered by the nodes of every Stake Pool, making them the backbone to a fully decentralised ecosystem for Cardano.
How do Fixed tax and percentage tax work?
The fixed rate is charged 1x at each epoch, after being deducted from the block, the variable rate is applied.
How do I delegate to the Plutus Pool?
Delegation is simple, from the wallet search for our pool ticker: PLTUS – please double check this as its been reported to us another pool is trying to copy our brand and has a similar ticker name.For more details please review our stakepool guides here.
How do I register my stake pool?
To operate a stake pool you must first ‘register’ your pool by generating a pool registration certificate.Registrations for stake pools on the Shelley mainnet can begin immediately after Cardano’s hard fork on Wednesday 29 July 2020 at 21:44:51 UTC.
How do i set up a stake pool?
It’s important to remember the role of a stake pool operator: to ensure reliable, 24/7 operation of a network node.As a stake pool operator, you have a responsibility to the ada holders who delegate to you but also to the health of the network itself.This requires a stable and reliable network infrastructure and, ideally, system operation and server administration skills along with experience in development and operations.
How do I Stake ADA?
By using a wallet interface like Daedalus or Yoroi, you can stake your ADA through a delegation center.
How do stake pool operators receive rewards?
The Cardano blockchain reaches consensus through the Ouroboros Praos protocol.Using a probabilistic mechanism, Ouroboros selects a leader for each ‘slot’, who then creates the next block on the chain.These slot leaders are chosen from the available stake pools on the network.
How does a Stake pool work?
A stake pool is a reliable server node that focuses on maintenance and holds the combined stake of various stakeholders in a single entity.Stake pools are responsible for processing transactions, producing new blocks and are at the core of Ouroboros (the Cardano proof-of-stake protocol).
How does it work?
Smash is an evolving system.Currently, as its operator, we are responsible for the maintenance and metadata curation on the IOHK Smash server.Badly behaved stake pools can be delisted from display in Daedalus.Factors taken into account for such decisions include illegal or malicious metadata content, impersonation, the use of ticker names that were previously registered on the Incentivized Testnet (when this is not the same stake pool/operator), intellectual property rights violations, or stake pools that are no longer active.
How profitable is running a stake pool? Has it been worth the effort and time for you?
i am making between 340-600 ADA per day….some guys are making 1000 ADA per day.
I am looking to partner with Plutus pool – are you offering any pledge partnerships?
Yes – flexible pledge partnerships are available.Please contact for more information.
If I delegated to a pool during the Incentivized Test Net (ITN), do I need to redelegate for Mainnet?
Yes – in fact, you will have 2 wallets that need to be delegated.You will need to migrate your original Byron-era wallet to a Shelley wallet.Additionally, your ITN rewards are paid out in a new wallet, which you can recover using the recovery phrase generated when you created your ITN wallet.Check out our Daedalus staking tutorial for more details.
If I spend or add funds to my wallet after I delegated to a pool, does the staked amount change automatically?
Yes – when you delegate to a pool, you are delegating your entire wallet – not just a fixed amount.So if funds are added or removed from your wallet, you staked amount will change accordingly.
Is my ADA locked when I delegate to a pool?
No, you are free to spend your ADA at any time (although you will stop earning staking rewards on anything that you spend).
Is my staked ADA locked or can I spend it while Staking?
If you would like to spend or transfer ADA from a delegated account simply spend or transfer as much ADA as you like.The transfer will be instant and the remaining funds will continue to be staked, earning rewards until you choose otherwise.
Is the OUROS pool profitable?
Yes! Is it the most profitable? No! Profitability depends on the size of the pool and other factors, the expectation is that we will be on average.
La DeFi sur la Binance Smart Chain (BSC), une alternative à Ethereum ?
Vous avez peut être récemment vu des altcoins (plus ou moins obscures) aux noms étonnants faire leur place dans les grands gagnants des derniers jours.Après le succès des plateformes comme 1INCH et Uniswap, il semblerait que certains projets DeFi de la Binance Smart Chain aient ouvert la voie vers une alternative à la blockchain d’Ethereum.Folie temporaire ou réelle alternative ? On vous laisse décider à la suite de cette article, qui revient en détail sur le fonctionnement de la DeFi sur la BSC.
La DeFi sur la Binance Smart Chain (BSC), une alternative à Ethereum ?
Vous avez peut être récemment vu des altcoins (plus ou moins obscures) aux noms étonnants faire leur place dans les grands gagnants des derniers jours.Après le succès des plateformes comme 1INCH et Uniswap, il semblerait que certains projets DeFi de la Binance Smart Chain aient ouvert la voie vers une alternative à la blockchain d’Ethereum.Folie temporaire ou réelle alternative ? On vous laisse décider à la suite de cette article, qui revient en détail sur le fonctionnement de la DeFi sur la BSC.
Need a Website?
Why do I need a website?It is best practice to have an up and running website detailing all the information about your business.If you run a pool, it’s important to prevent spoofing and is highly recommended to have your Pool ID clearly visible so it can be confirmed by the delegator that it is legitimateWebsite Can Be ProvidedWe work closely with a third party web designer so a website can be provided at an extra charge.
Où en est le projet Cardano ?
Difficile de passer à côté de Cardano ces derniers temps.ADA s’est installé pendant un moment à la troisième place du classement des cryptomonnaies en termes de marketcap, et durablement dans le top 6.Sa dernière mise à jour, le hard fork Mary, a été déployée le 1er mars 2021 et a permis à Cardano de devenir une blockchain multi-asset (multi-actifs).Une dernière étape avant le hard fork Alonzo, qui clôturera le développement de l’ère Goguen.On vous explique ce qu’il s’est passé et tout ce qui arrive.
Où en est le projet Cardano ?
Difficile de passer à côté de Cardano ces derniers temps.ADA s’est installé pendant un moment à la troisième place du classement des cryptomonnaies en termes de marketcap, et durablement dans le top 6.Sa dernière mise à jour, le hard fork Mary, a été déployée le 1er mars 2021 et a permis à Cardano de devenir une blockchain multi-asset (multi-actifs).Une dernière étape avant le hard fork Alonzo, qui clôturera le développement de l’ère Goguen.On vous explique ce qu’il s’est passé et tout ce qui arrive.
Où en est-on dans le bull run ?
Bitcoin passe les 50k$, la DeFI de la BSC passe les 7 milliards, Ethereum atteint les 200 milliards de marketcap, Ada et Polkadot flirtent avec les 30 milliards.Les chiffres sont vertigineux et il est difficile de savoir si c’est le moment de vendre, ou si ça va encore monter.Voici quelques indicateurs qui pourront vous être précieux.
Où en est-on dans le bull run ?
Bitcoin passe les 50k$, la DeFI de la BSC passe les 7 milliards, Ethereum atteint les 200 milliards de marketcap, Ada et Polkadot flirtent avec les 30 milliards.Les chiffres sont vertigineux et il est difficile de savoir si c’est le moment de vendre, ou si ça va encore monter.Voici quelques indicateurs qui pourront vous être précieux.
ADASH, é um projeto que deseja levar Educação Financeira Gratuita,
proporcionando aos alunos o conhecimento sobre as velhas formulas
financeiras, as atuais vigentes no mercado e novas tecnologias como as
Blockchains 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, envolvendo especialmente Bitcoin, Ethereum e
O projeto da ADASH STAKE POOL, levará gratuitamente aos alunos de
escolas, públicas e privadas, Faculdades e Universidades, Educação sobre
Revoluções financeiras, Tecnológicas e como as Evoluções acontecem.
Destacaremos as tres gerações de criptomoedas, destacando com proeminência
a qualidade da Blockchain 3.0 de ADA CARDANO, como um novo Sistema
Financeiro, onde cada pessoa pode controlar suas finanças sem depender de
Pouvez-vous faire confiance aux stablecoins ?
Les stablecoins sont devenus des actifs incontournables dans le monde de la cryptomonnaie.Comment fonctionnent-ils ? Que font-ils que les monnaies FIAT ne peuvent pas faire ? A quel point pouvez-vous leur faire confiance ? Retour sur l’une des plus importantes pierre du monde des cryptomonnaies.
Pouvez-vous faire confiance aux stablecoins ?
Les stablecoins sont devenus des actifs incontournables dans le monde de la cryptomonnaie.Comment fonctionnent-ils ? Que font-ils que les monnaies FIAT ne peuvent pas faire ? A quel point pouvez-vous leur faire confiance ? Retour sur l’une des plus importantes pierre du monde des cryptomonnaies.
Q3How can I start to stake with you?
A3: To start staking with PSK you have:
b.choose the POS coin you prefer (see Q2-A2 to have the complete list)
Q4How can I activate the Telegram Bot?
A4: To activate the Telegram Bot you have to:
a.go to LOGIN/REGISTER on your user’s avatar (in the right upper corner)
c.Select “My Profile”
Q5How can I choose the staking way (a simple stake or masternode)?
A5: We choose at the beginning of the project to act as the Occam’s Razor, that’s to say that the easiest way is the better one.So PSK decides for you acting “at the best”, this means that we consider the coins you put in your wallet account as part of a masternode if there is at least one.If there are no masternode at all, your coins will be considered as part of the staking wallet.
Q6How do you calculate my reward?
A6: Rewards are calculated in this way, for example, there could be 1 MN of an ABC_coin that need 10000 coins to start, but the MN is already running:
– you send 1000 ABC_coins
– your “weight” 1000/11000, so you are 9.09% of the total amount that is necessary for that MN
– at the time of reward, you will receive the 9.
Q7Ok but I see that of ABC_coin there are 3 MNs, where are my coins?
A7: You are a part of the pool’s total amount.So considering the example in Q6-A6 you are in this situation:
– you have sent 1000 ABC_coins
– your “weigh” 1000/((10000×3)+1000), so you are the 3.22% of the total amount staking, BUT you will receive:
3.22*3 (that’s the number of MNs running).In this way, with the PSK’ protocol, you receive a % anytime a MN receives a reward.In the end, your passive income will be of 9.
Q8How much is the Pool’s fees?
A8: The Pool’s fees are deducted directly and automatically from the rewards and are 15% of the due reward.
Q9Is it possible to reduce the fees?
A9: Yes, it is possible, it’s enough that you have some PSK (ERC20 of Pool of Stake) in an Ethereum
Wallet and you demonstrate that it’s your own.In these cases, you’ll receive a bonus that will be
from 1% to 10% on your rewards.
Quando receberei minhas recompensas?
Se você delegar sua ADA durante a primeira época, a stake pool que você delegar poderá para produzir blocos três épocas depois.Duas épocas depois disso, você começará a receber recompensas.Este é o caso em qualquer época em que você começa a delegar.Sabemos que cada época tem exatamente cinco dias de duração.Portanto, você começará a receber recompensas após 20 dias.Portanto, não há necessidade de pânico se as recompensas não aparecerem em sua carteira Daedalus durante este tempo — isso é completamente normal.
Que recompensas posso esperar após delegar?
Delegando sua ADA você receberá recompensas em ADA também, mas o valor real que você recebe mudará dependendo de vários fatores.Por exemplo, delegar para um pool que tem uma quantidade relativamente pequena de ADA delegadas para ele — ou onde o operador da pool estabeleceu uma porcentagem medíocre de recompensas — provavelmente resultará em menos recompensas ao longo do tempo.Isso se deve a uma menor probabilidade de sua pool ser escolhida como um líder de slot — um conceito que exploraremos em detalhes em um artigo posterior.Portanto, as recompensas podem variar entre pools, e alterações nos parâmetros da rede também podem afetar recompensas.Se você quiser estimar quanta ADA você poderá ganhar com as recompensas de stake, recomendamos usar a calculadora de recompensas no site
Qu’est ce que le Trilemme des Blockchains ?
Inventé pour la première fois par Vitalik Buterin, l’inventeur d’Ethereum, le trilemme des blockchains est un terme évoquant la difficulté que rencontrent les différentes cryptomonnaies à acquérir à la fois la sécurité, la scalabilité et la décentralisation de leur réseau.
Qu’est ce que le Trilemme des Blockchains ?
Inventé pour la première fois par Vitalik Buterin, l’inventeur d’Ethereum, le trilemme des blockchains est un terme évoquant la difficulté que rencontrent les différentes cryptomonnaies à acquérir à la fois la sécurité, la scalabilité et la décentralisation de leur réseau.
Qu’est-ce qu’un exchange décentralisé (DEX) ?
Les DEX sont un nouveau type de plateforme venu concurrencer les places de marché traditionnelles.Leur particularité est d’être paire-à-paire, c’est à dire qu’ils permettent les échanges directs entre utilisateurs.Explications en détails.
Qu’est-ce qu’un exchange décentralisé (DEX) ?
Les DEX sont un nouveau type de plateforme venu concurrencer les places de marché traditionnelles.Leur particularité est d’être paire-à-paire, c’est à dire qu’ils permettent les échanges directs entre utilisateurs.Explications en détails.
Qu’est-ce qu’un Oracle (crypto) ?
Les Oracles sont les yeux de la blockchains.Ils permettent de voir le monde en dehors.Explications.
Qu’est-ce qu’un Oracle (crypto) ?
Les Oracles sont les yeux de la blockchains.Ils permettent de voir le monde en dehors.Explications.
Qu’est-ce qu’un smart contract ?
Vous en avez déjà entendu parler.Les smart contracts (ou contrats intelligents) sont des contrats régis par la blockchain.Mais qu’est-ce que ça veut dire exactement ? Qu’est ce qu’il est possible de faire avec les smart contracts ? Explications en détails.
Qu’est-ce qu’un smart contract ?
Vous en avez déjà entendu parler.Les smart contracts (ou contrats intelligents) sont des contrats régis par la blockchain.Mais qu’est-ce que ça veut dire exactement ? Qu’est ce qu’il est possible de faire avec les smart contracts ? Explications en détails.
Qu’est-ce qu’une dApp (Application décentralisée) ?
Les dApps sont des applications décentralisées exécutées sur des blockchains.Comment fonctionnent-elles, et à quoi servent-elles ? Explications.
Qu’est-ce qu’une dApp (Application décentralisée) ?
Les dApps sont des applications décentralisées exécutées sur des blockchains.Comment fonctionnent-elles, et à quoi servent-elles ? Explications.
Qu’est-ce qu’une liquidity pool ?
Les liquidity pools (piscine de liquidités) sont le coeur de la DeFI.Elles permettent aux différents services de fonctionner grâce un un afflux de liquidité.Explications.
Qu’est-ce qu’une liquidity pool ?
Les liquidity pools (piscine de liquidités) sont le coeur de la DeFI.Elles permettent aux différents services de fonctionner grâce un un afflux de liquidité.Explications.
Contact info@stake-pool.
what about the future of Cardano?
You might reasonably think, reading this post, that I am now anti-Cardano.That is by no means the case.I think it’s a very promising technology, which I at present continue to hold a significant investment in, and which I watch actively.This is despite the cult-like feel of some areas of the community, and the extreme confidence in ADA becoming the dominant currency of the future (it’s a possibility, but I certainly wouldn’t call it a certainty).ADA appears to be a good cryptocurrency—but there are other good cryptocurrencies, too.And perhaps more importantly, even the best cryptocurrency might never achieve widespread adoption unless financial regulations change rather a lot.But my engagement at this time with running a stake pool is at an end, as will be my support of the open-source independent Cardano Node Docker container images (unless a reason arises for me maintaining them).I won’t test software for (close to) nothing indefinitely, and there’s likely far more money to be gained from other forms of investment (or even traditional employment).
What are the pool fees?
Today the pool charges 300 ADA fixed rate and 8% variable rate.
What are the technical requirements for running a stake pool?
Stake pools are nodes on the Cardano blockchain that have a public address, where other holders may send their ada in order to delegate their stake.
What does the OUROS token do?
The OUROS token serves as a voting token and income distribution for projects carried out by the pool.We will not list the token on any exchange, but you can trade via p2p.
What fees will be allocated to the projects?
The variable rate will be allocated to projects, the fixed rate will be for personal remuneration.
What if a Stake Pool is Hacked?
Stake pools do not contain any staker's ADA or private information about their wallet, so your ADA is safe while delegating. A stake pool that is compromised may yield lower returns or lose their pledge.
What is a DAO?
DAO are Autonomous Decentralized Organizations.They are companies that live completely in the virtual world, more specifically on WEB3 and can be coordinated from anywhere in the world by their participants, true DAOs use DAPPs (Decentralized Applications) to stay online, use smart contracts to deal with processes and always seek a high level of automation.
What is a Stake Pool?
In Proof-of-Stake, stake pools servers participate in the blockchain by being elected to create blocks to confirm transactions for the blockchain. Similar to mining, stake pools and their stakers receive rewards for creating blocks.
What is a stake pool?
Stake pools may be either public or private.A public stake pool is a Cardano network node with a public address that other users can delegate to, and receive rewards.Private stake pools only deliver rewards to their owners.
What is Smash?
Smash is a stake pool metadata aggregation server that was conceived to improve Cardano users’ access to verified stake pool information and make it easier to use the system.A Smash server can aggregate stake pool metadata, fetch it, and store it.
What is Staking with Cardano?
In short, Staking is the process of delegating your ADA to a stake pool within your wallet to generate rewards.The more ADA you stake, the rewards you will earn (all pools will typically average out at 5% across the year).The reason for this is, by holding and staking your ADA, you are assisting the network to validate blocks on the protocol so you receive a return on your investment.The Stake Pool Operator (SPO) has no control over the delegated ADA as this is dictated by the protocol and the owner/s are free to spend or change pool operators at any time.The delegators only job is to count the money they are making.Pool rewards can fluctuate and the pool operator has no control over the amount of blocks they can mint.
What is Staking?
Holders of ADA can stake their currency to a stake pool on the Cardano blockchain using a wallet like Daedalus or Yoroi.
What is staking?
Ada held on the Cardano network represents a stake in the network, with the size of the stake proportional to the amount of ada held.The ability to delegate or pledge a stake is fundamental to how Cardano works.
When do I get ADA Rewards?
Rewards in your wallet appear 15 – 20 days after staking to a pool. Rewards are distributed automatically.Refer to the Delegation Cycle for details.
When the pool can lose performance?
The worst thing is to lose in block processing, another point that impacts but the operator has no control, is when he loses the block to another pool, this is random in the protocol, where the same slot is drawn to more than one pool at the same time .
When will the OUROS token be available?
Once the exchange is operational, a platform will be developed to request and use the OUROS tokens.
where should delegators stake instead of CRAB?
This depends on a few things, including how much ADA you have to stake, what your main goal in staking is, and where you’re tax-resident.If your goal is to support the community even without making a profit, choose a small stake pool operator who is unsupported by either big donors or the Cardano Foundation.If you don’t care whether you make any blocks, pretty much any size pool might be acceptable, especially as if a lucky block is awarded, you might make a lot on a particular epoch (but not long-term).This happened to CRAB in Epoch 213, when 3 blocks were made despite having only 381K ADA in active stake.
Why Cardano?
“Kill the middleman of necessity, push power to the edges and build systems that are equally fair for the least amoungst us.
Why does it take two epochs to earn rewards?
Slot leaders are elected at the start of each epoch, so the stake in the prior epoch is used to select leaders.Then the epoch must commence and each pool must show up when it’s their turn for a slot.After the epoch has ended, all the pools will have produced the blocks assigned (or missed them), and rewards are calculated.The rewards are then paid out on the following epoch.
Why Stake with ATM1?
ATM Stake Pool is the only pool offering a range of services free to delegators.
Will I lose ADA while Staking?
No. By staking, there is no risk of losing ADA. Also, you do not send ADA out of your wallet to stake.