Overview of Substratum
You can also verify transactions on the substratum blockchain.
In the same way that Bitcoin miners are rewarded for processing transactions, Substratum nodes are rewarded for delivering content.
Substratum is an open-source network that allows anyone to allocate spare computing resources to make the internet a free and fair place for the entire world.
COSS, which is the only legitimate exchange with SUB/BTC and SUB/ETH markets is responsible for ~30% ($7500) of the trading volume.In this situation, Substratum’s founders wouldn’t be able to support the project with their soon-to-be-released SUB holdings even if they wanted to, and the release of SubstratumNode V1 won’t change this reality for a few reasons.Long story short, the order books are extremely thin, and there is almost no buy-side demand minus certain members of the Substratum community looking to “buy the dip” since $3.00.Unfortunately, since being delisted from Binance, SUB’s daily trading volume has been reduced to ~$25,000.
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Benthic assemblages on artificial reefs in the northwestern Adriatic Sea: Does structure type and age matter?
The use of artificial reefs is on the rise worldwide.While their fish aggregating effects are well known, the epibenthic assemblages have been poorly investigated.Two types of artificial reefs (pyramids of concrete slabs and bundles of concrete tubes) have been deployed out of the Po River Delta in 2006 and 2010.The epibenthic assemblages were investigated in 2009 and 2012.Benthic assemblages on both structure typologies were dominated by species tolerating high sedimentation rates.Dissimilarities were found among assemblages with different ages, and, in less extend, between reef typologies.Colonisation by Mytilus galloprovincialis and other major space occupiers did not follow a clear succession pattern and was not affected by reef typology.Species colonisation was likely driven by variability in environmental conditions and recruitment processes rather than by reef typology.This study suggests that environmental features of the deployment sites should be carefully considered in planning and designing artificial reefs, especially in eutrophic and turbid coastal waters, exposed to high river loads.
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