- 1 Overview of Super Keep Token
- 2 Are you using JWTs for user sessions in the correct way?
- 3 Can GEO data be accessed programmatically?
- 4 Can I cite data I find in GEO as evidence to support my own research?
- 5 Can I get notified when new data is available?
- 6 Can I keep my data private after my manuscript is published?
- 7 Can I keep my data private while my manuscript is being prepared or under review?
- 8 Can I pay interest or make part payment of principal during the extended period?
- 9 Can I submit an extracted or summary subset of data?
- 10 Can you give an example?
- 11 Does GEO store raw data?
- 12 Does GEO support MIAME and MINSEQE?
- 13 How can I allow reviewers access to my private records?
- 14 How can I delete my records?
- 15 How can I make corrections to data that I already submitted?
- 16 How can I make edits to my contact information?
- 17 How can I query and analyze GEO data?
- 18 How do I create a GEO account?
- 19 How do I submit my data to GEO?
- 20 How Many KEEP Coins Are There in Circulation?
- 21 How will be the Moratorium applied?
- 22 Human Subject Guidelines: Can I submit data derived from human subjects?
- 23 I’m a reviewer, how do I access and evaluate pre-publication data?
- 24 Want Daily SKE Price Updates?
- 25 Want Daily SKE Price Updates?
- 26 Want Daily SKE Price Updates?
- 27 What are the eligibility criteria for claiming “Moratorium” for gold loan repayment under the package?
- 28 What data types are provided with next-generation sequence submissions?
- 29 What do the red bars and blue squares represent in GEO profile charts?
- 30 What is a Gold Loan?
- 31 What is GEO?
- 32 What is meant by “Moratorium” under the regulatory package?
- 33 What is Refinable (FINE)?
- 34 What is the difference between a Series and a DataSet?
- 35 What Is the Keep Network (KEEP)?
- 36 What kinds of data will GEO accept?
- 37 What kinds of retrievals are possible in GEO?
- 38 What Makes Keep Unique?
- 39 When do I submit my data to GEO?
- 40 When will my data receive GEO accession numbers?
- 41 Where Can I Get Keep (KEEP)?
- 42 Who can use GEO data?
- 43 Why Avail A Gold Loan From Muthoot Finance?
- 44 Why can’t I find gene profile charts or DataSet clusters for my study of interest?
- 45 Why is session security important?
- 46 Why should I submit my data to GEO?
- 47 Will any recovery measures/auction proceedings be initiated during this extended period?
- 48 Will Gold Loans come under the coverage of the “Moratorium”?
- 49 Will interest be applied during the extended period of 90 days?
- 50 Will there be any waiver of amounts under the Moratorium?
- 51 History of Super Keep Token
Overview of Super Keep Token
Are you using JWTs for user sessions in the correct way?
JSON Web Tokens (or JWTs) have become incredibly popular and you’ve likely heard of them before.What you may not have heard is that JWTs were originally designed for use in OAuth – which is fundamentally different to user sessions.
Can GEO data be accessed programmatically?
Yes.Users can take advantage of NCBI’s Entrez programming utilities to access data stored in
GEO DataSets and
GEO Profiles.The Construct a URL feature is a popular mechanism to download complete metadata records in bulk.Additionally, BioConductor users may be interested in the
GEOquery package
which parses GEO SOFT files for integration with BioConductor ‘R’ analysis resources; see
Can I cite data I find in GEO as evidence to support my own research?
Yes.Users often cite data they find in GEO to support their own studies;
please see the list of third-party usage citations and guidelines for
Citing data you find in GEO.
Can I get notified when new data is available?
Yes.This can be accomplished using an NCBI account.Once you are logged in to NCBI,
construct a search for data relevant to your interests in GEO DataSets.For example, if you are only interested in studies performed on Platform GPL96, search with
GPL96[GEO Accession];
to see any apoptosis studies, search with apoptosis;
or if you want to see all new studies, search with
all[filter].Next to the search box, you should see a Save Search option.You will be
presented with the option to receive e-mail alerts when new data matching your
search criteria have been added to the database.This database is updated daily.
Can I keep my data private after my manuscript is published?
No.If GEO accession numbers are quoted in a manuscript, including publicly posted unpublished preprints
through servers like bioRxiv, the records must be released so that the data are accessible to the scientific
community.Omit GEO accession numbers from preprint manuscripts if you don’t want your data released before
the official publication.If GEO accession numbers are found to be quoted in any publication before the scheduled
release date, GEO staff are obligated to release those records, even if a second manuscript describing the
same data is pending.
Can I keep my data private while my manuscript is being prepared or under review?
Yes.GEO records may remain private until a manuscript quoting the GEO accession number is made available to
the public (journal publication is not a requirement for data submission to GEO).During the submission process,
you are prompted to specify a release date for your records.Although the maximum allowable limit is three years,
this date may be brought forward or pushed back at any time; see
Change the release date of your private records for instructions
on how to change the release date.This feature allows a submitter to deposit data and receive a GEO accession
number to quote in a manuscript before the data become public.We will send you an e-mail reminder 10 days before
the scheduled release date, inviting you to postpone the release date as necessary.It is important to
inform us as soon as your manuscript is published so that we can release your records and link them with PubMed.Submitters also have the opportunity to create a reviewer token that allows collaborators or reviewers
confidential, read-only access to private data before manuscript publication.
Can I pay interest or make part payment of principal during the extended period?
Yes.You are welcome to service the interest and / or make part payment towards the principal, which will reduce your liability and the burden of repaying the full amount on maturity.
Can I submit an extracted or summary subset of data?
No.Complete, unfiltered data sets should be supplied.This includes full hybridization tables,
genome-wide sequence results, fully annotated samples, and meaningful, trackable sequence identifier
information in Platform records and processed sequence data files.The principal reason we maintain this archive
and the rationale behind many journals’ requirement for data deposit into GEO is so that the community can access
and comprehensively re-examine data that form the basis of scientific reporting.Therefore, we do not accept partial
or heavily filtered data sets.We do understand the various reasons and difficulties some researchers have with sharing data.However, the demand from users and journal editors, together with our need to maintain a useful and transparent database has
led to our policy of only accepting complete data sets.
Can you give an example?
If the gold loan was availed on 15.03.2019 and falls due for payment on 08.03.2020 on expiry of 360 days period, the due date will be shifted to 06.06.2020, i.e., by 90 days.
Does GEO store raw data?
Yes.GEO requires raw data, processed data and metadata.Raw data facilitates the unambiguous interpretation
of the data and potential verification of conclusions.For microarray data, raw data may be supplied either
within the Sample record data tables or as external supplementary data files, e.g., Affymetrix CEL.For high-throughput sequencing, GEO brokers the complete set of raw data files, e.g., FASTQ, to the
SRA database on your behalf.
Does GEO support MIAME and MINSEQE?
Yes.GEO encourages submitters to supply MIAME- and
MINSEQE-compliant data.GEO submission procedures are designed to closely follow the MIAME and MINSEQE checklists;
if you provide all requested information, your submission will be compliant.Note that MIAME and MINSEQE compliance is determined by the content provided, not by the
submission format or route.
How can I allow reviewers access to my private records?
After your records have been approved, use the Reviewer access link near the top of your Series
(GSExxx) record to create a reviewer token which provides anonymous, read-only access to your private submissions.The token can be sent to the journal editor who will circulate it to reviewers requiring access to your private data.This method provides access to all private data except sequence files submitted to SRA.SRA does not currently support access to private sequence data, but if necessary, you can e-mail SRA
to request a reviewer metadata link.
How can I delete my records?
Only GEO staff can remove records from the database; it is necessary to e-mail us
to request deletion of specific accession numbers.Please keep in mind that updating records
is preferable to deleting records, if appropriate.If the accession numbers in question have been published in a manuscript,
we cannot delete the records.Rather, a comment will be added to the record indicating the reason the submitter
requested withdrawal of the data, and the record content will be adjusted/deleted accordingly.
How can I make corrections to data that I already submitted?
You may perform updates and edits at any time to any of your submissions.Please refer to the Updating your GEO records page for instructions.
How can I make edits to my contact information?
After logging in to your NCBI account, follow the
My GEO Profile link on the home page.Edits to contact information will be applied immediately to all existing records submitted under that account.If you need the contact information to remain unedited on existing records, but different contact details to appear on new records,
it is necessary to open a separate account and submit new data under that account.
How can I query and analyze GEO data?
Once you have found a curated DataSet or Series of interest, there are several features
available that help identify interesting gene expression profiles within that study.Curated DataSets include a find genes feature,
cluster heatmaps and a
t-test sample comparison tool.Once you have identified gene expression profile charts
of interest, there are several types of neighbors links
on the Profile records that help identify related genes of interest.If no curated DataSet is available,
it may be appropriate to analyze the Series using GEO2R, which compares groups
of Samples and identifies differentially expressed genes.Alternatively, if you prefer to perform your own
analysis using your favorite software package, the value matrix tables within the
DataSet full SOFT files available from the DataSet records,
or the Series Matrix File or supplementary files linked at the foot of Series records, may prove suitable.Finally, thousands of GEO data tracks have been uploaded for viewing on NCBI’s Genome Data Viewer.All records with tracks can be retrieved by searching with track[filter];
the ‘See on Genome Data Viewer’ button on those records links to corresponding tracks on NCBI’s Genome Data Viewer
(see example tracks).
How do I create a GEO account?
You will need both a NCBI account and an accompanying
My GEO Profile to submit data.First, log in through your NCBI account.If you don’t have a NCBI account, you can create one here.Submitters are then asked to complete a My GEO Profile form that provides the contact
information to be used by GEO curators to communicate about the submission and to be displayed on the GEO records.The NCBI account can be used to submit additional data in the future without re-entering contact
information, as well as to authenticate the submitter when updating or editing an existing GEO record.
How do I submit my data to GEO?
Submitters should first log in through their NCBI account.If you don’t have an NCBI account, you can create one here.Submitters are then asked to complete a My GEO Profile form
that provides the contact information to be used by GEO curators to communicate about
the submission and to be displayed on the GEO records.All submitters are asked to supply
raw data, processed data, and descriptive information about the samples, protocols and overall
study in a supported deposit format.As explained on the Submitting data
page, the GEOarchive spreadsheet format is recommended for most submissions, but plain text and XML
formats are also available.Regardless of the submission method you choose, the final GEO
records will look the same and contain equivalent information.We endeavor to make data
deposit procedures as straightforward as possible and will provide as much assistance as
you require to get your data submitted to GEO.If you have problems or questions about
the submission procedures, e-mail us and one of our
curators will quickly get back to you.
How Many KEEP Coins Are There in Circulation?
The Keep Network launched its mainnet on April 27th, 2020 with 1 billion KEEP tokens created.KEEP tokens are a fixed supply asset, there will never be more than 1 billion KEEP in existence.
How will be the Moratorium applied?
We have extended the tenure of all gold loans which are falling due for payment, on expiry of the sanctioned period of twelve months between 01.03.2020 to 31.05.2020 by 90 days.
Human Subject Guidelines: Can I submit data derived from human subjects?
If your data need controlled access, deposit your data with NCBI’s dbGaP database.
I’m a reviewer, how do I access and evaluate pre-publication data?
Reviewers should expect to receive a reviewer token with the manuscript.This token allows anonymous, read-only access to the private GEO records cited in the manuscript.Detailed information is provided in these Guidelines for reviewers and journal editors.
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This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
What are the eligibility criteria for claiming “Moratorium” for gold loan repayment under the package?
Moratorium will be applicable for gold loans which are active as on 01.03.2020 and completing the sanctioned period of 12 months on or before 31.05.2020.
What data types are provided with next-generation sequence submissions?
Processed sequence data files: GEO hosts processed sequence data files, which are
linked at the bottom of Sample and/or Series records as supplementary files.Requirements for processed data
files are not yet fully standardized and will depend on the nature of the study, but data typically
include genome tracks or expression counts.
What do the red bars and blue squares represent in GEO profile charts?
In GEO Profile charts,
the red bars represent values extracted from original GEO Sample
records as supplied by submitters.For single channel data, values are
assumed to be submitted as normalized signal count data,
reflecting the relative measure of abundance of each transcript.For Affymetrix data, the “detection call”
(A=absent, P=present, M=marginal) data are taken into consideration, if supplied
(absent calls faded out).For dual channel
experiments values are normalized log ratios, and SAGE values reflect “tags per million” counts.The blue squares represent the percentile ranked value
of a spot compared to all other spots within that Sample.That is, all
values within each Sample are rank ordered and placed into rank
percentile ‘bins’.This gives an indication of the relative expression
level of that gene compared to all other genes on the array.Value profiles are plotted on a scale that fits each individual gene,
whereas rank data are always plotted on a scale of 0-100%.
What is a Gold Loan?
Gold loans act as the quickest and easiest way to get funds for business or personal requirements.A gold loan is a secured loan which a borrower takes from the lender in lieu of gold ornaments.The loan amount that lenders sanction is typically a certain percentage of the gold’s value.Like any other loan, you can repay this with the help of monthly instalments and once the loan has been fully repaid, you receive back your gold articles.
What is GEO?
The Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) is a public repository that archives and freely distributes
comprehensive sets of microarray, next-generation sequencing, and other forms of high-throughput
functional genomic data submitted by the scientific community.In addition to data storage,
a collection of web-based interfaces and applications are available to help users query and
download the studies and gene expression patterns stored in GEO.For more information about various aspects of GEO,
please see our documentation listings and
What is meant by “Moratorium” under the regulatory package?
Under the regulatory relief package declared by Reserve Bank of India, Moratorium would mean a temporary postponement of payment of principal/interest/ instalment of a loan upto a maximum period of 3 months.
What is Refinable (FINE)?
Refinable is a blockchain project that targets that super-hot non-fungible token (NFT) market.NFTs are specialized crypto tokens that represent ownership in unique, often hotly traded, digital assets and collectibles.Refinable is the first NFT hub that operates on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), a blockchain that has become one of the main alternatives to Ethereum.
What is the difference between a Series and a DataSet?
A GEO Series (GSExxx) is an original submitter-supplied record that summarizes a study.These data are reassembled by GEO staff into curated GEO Datasets (GDSxxx).A DataSet
represents a collection of biologically- and statistically-comparable Samples processed
using the same Platform.Information reflecting experimental variables is provided through
DataSet subsets.Both Series and DataSets are searchable using the GEO DataSets
interface, but only DataSets form the basis of GEO’s advanced data display and analysis tools
including gene expression profile charts and DataSet clusters; see the Data organization
document for more information.Not all submitted data are suitable for DataSet assembly
and we are experiencing a backlog in DataSet creation, so not all Series have a corresponding
DataSet record(s).When a curated DataSet is not available, it may be appropriate to analyze
the Series using GEO2R, which compares groups of Samples and
identifies differentially expressed genes.
What Is the Keep Network (KEEP)?
Keep is an incentivized network for storing and encrypting private data on the public blockchain.The network is made of off-chain containers for private data known as keeps, while the KEEP work token enables it to be completely permissionless.Keep solves the main problem holding back blockchain adoption: that data on public blockchains are public.With Keep, developers can finally build fully decentralized apps.Visit Keep to learn more and stake, and tBTC to see its power in action.
What kinds of data will GEO accept?
GEO was designed around the common features of most of the high-throughput and
parallel molecular abundance-measuring technologies in use today.
What kinds of retrievals are possible in GEO?
There are several ways to retrieve GEO data, please see the Query and analysis overview
and the Download GEO data instructions for details.These methods range from performing simple or sophisticated
queries of the GEO DataSets and
GEO Profiles databases,
entering a valid GEO accession
number in the Accession Display
bar, browsing the list of current GEO repository contents, or
downloading data from the GEO
FTP site.
What Makes Keep Unique?
When it comes to dApps and DeFi projects…the team shouldn’t have the keys.The Keep Network features off-chain containers for private data called keeps that give smart contracts deep interactivity with private data without compromising transparency or auditability.
When do I submit my data to GEO?
Many journals require accession numbers for microarray or sequence data before acceptance of a paper for publication.Also, reviewers and editors may need access to your data during the review process.Thus, data should be deposited in GEO before a manuscript describing the data is sent to a journal for review.GEO processing times is approximately 5 business days after completion of submission, so it is important to
make your submission well in advance of when you require the accession numbers for your manuscript.Your records may remain private until your manuscript is publicly available.Once your submissions have been approved by GEO staff, you can cite the GEO accession number(s)
in your manuscript and you can generate a reviewer access token
by which editors and reviewers can access your private GEO records.
When will my data receive GEO accession numbers?
Processing time normally takes approximately 5 business days after completion of submission.After you complete the submission,
your data are put into a queue to await review by a curator.Please understand that we receive hundreds of study submissions per week, and processing times can vary depending on submission volume.Thus, it is important to make your submission well in advance of when you require the accession numbers for your manuscript.If format or content problems are identified with your submission, a curator will contact you by e-mail explaining how to address the issue.Please address the issues raised by curators; failure to do so may result in processing delays or removal of the records.Once your records pass review, the curator will send you an e-mail confirming your GEO accession numbers and their release dates.If you do not receive an e-mail from us within 5 business days of your submission, please first check your spam or junk e-mail folders because
some systems recognize GEO e-mail correspondence as spam, then e-mail us
to inquire about your submission.Do not quote GEO accession numbers in manuscripts until you have received an approval e-mail
notice from a GEO curator.
Where Can I Get Keep (KEEP)?
You can earn KEEP by staking on the network today, and joining our ETH only stakedrop launching soon.You can also earn by participating in Playing for Keeps, which lets people learn to stake and win KEEP by contributing to the community.In order to qualify your submission for Playing for Keeps prizes, you must join our [Discord server](.Join the server to learn more about staking on the network today and participating in the public stakedrop soon.
Who can use GEO data?
Anybody can access and download public GEO data.There are no login requirements.For more information,
please read these copyright and
data disclaimers.
Why Avail A Gold Loan From Muthoot Finance?
Muthoot Finance is India’s No.1 Most Trusted Financial Services Brand, as per the Brand Trusted Report, 2016 and 2017.It is widely trusted for availing the best gold loan in India.Muthoot Finance is a company that provides the best gold loan at lowest interest rates.It also offers different gold loan schemes that you can choose as per your requirement.Each scheme comes with its own advantage and caters to different types and needs of customers.
Why can’t I find gene profile charts or DataSet clusters for my study of interest?
As explained in the What is the difference between a Series and a DataSet? FAQ above,
suitable submitter-supplied GEO Series records are reassembled by
GEO staff into curated DataSets.At periodic intervals, these DataSets are then indexed and
loaded into GEO Profiles and
GEO DataSets, which
allows users to query gene names, visualize charts and clusters, and more.If your
Series of interest has not yet been assembled into a DataSet these features will not be available,
but it may be appropriate to analyze the Series using GEO2R, which compares groups of
Samples and identifies differentially expressed genes.
Why is session security important?
Session security is an important consideration in the design of any system that requires communication between a server and a client.Improper security can lead to user accounts being vulnerable to unauthorized access.OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project — leading authority for security) considers the improper implementation of authorisation / authentication as the second biggest risk to application security.
Why should I submit my data to GEO?
There are several good reasons for submitting your data to us.The most likely reason is that the journal
in which you are publishing your research requires deposit of microarray or sequence data to a
MIAME- or MINSEQE-compliant
public repository like GEO.In addition to satisfying possible journal requirements for publication,
there are other significant benefits to depositing data with GEO.Your data receive long-term
archiving at a centralized repository, and are integrated with other NCBI resources which afford
increased usability and visibility.You may also include links back to your own project websites
within your submission, again increasing visibility of your research.Journal publication is
not a requirement for data submission to GEO.
Will any recovery measures/auction proceedings be initiated during this extended period?
No.You will be given 90 extra days for closing/ renewing the loan.You may, at any time during the extended period, close/renew the loan by paying the full interest at the then prevailing LTV.
Will Gold Loans come under the coverage of the “Moratorium”?
Yes.To a limited extent.
Will interest be applied during the extended period of 90 days?
Yes.Interest will continue to be applied on the loan at the applicable rate as on the date of extension of the period, as per the agreed terms and conditions.
Will there be any waiver of amounts under the Moratorium?
No waiver of any sorts is envisaged under the Moratorium.