Overview of Taona
with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried
out collectively by the network.
Bitcoin is and always should be focused on its goals of being a better form of money.Bitcoin developers will unlikely prioritize improvements or features which are specifically beneficial to the facilitation of token transfers.One goal of the Taonacoin project is to see if a use case specific blockchain and development effort can create code which can either improve existing structures like Bitcoin or provide advantages for specific use cases.
Taonacoin aims to implement a blockchain which is optimized specifically for the use case of transferring assets such as securities from one holder to another.Based on the extensive development and testing of Bitcoin, Taonacoin is built on a fork of the Bitcoin code.Key changes include a faster block reward time and a change in the number, but not weighed distribution schedule, of coins.Taonacoin is intended to prioritize user control, privacy and censorship resistance and be jurisdiction agnostic while allowing simple optional additional features for users based on need.
Taona Chigwenembe is a Managing Partner of a family owned business called Checks Investments that was established in 2014.Checks Investments is a holdings company and runs several business portfolios, in confectionery, catering and a motor dealer and original spare parts retailer for Toyota Malawi and Yamaha (through Stansfield Motors Limited).Taona is currently the Head of Membership Services and Communications for The Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry.She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences from The University of Malawi, Chancellor College.Taona is a member of the UK Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and CIM Malawi.She is a diligent professional with more than five years’ hands-on experience in Sales, Marketing and Customer Life Cycle Management in general.With her team building and leadership skills, Taona enjoys organizing and facilitating value adding networking cycles of various stakeholders ranging from corporate groups, social gatherings and community empowerment forums.She loves art, baking, cooking, music, nature and all things creative.
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What is Taona?
Taona is an experimental digital currency that enables instant payments to
anyone, anywhere in the world.Taona uses peer-to-peer technology to operate
with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried
out collectively by the network.Taona Core is the name of open source
software which enables the use of this currency.
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