Overview of tBridge Token
But First: Why This Method?
Troubleshooting a problem of this difficulty is an effort to balance severity of the solution’s effects on the user’s working environment and the ability to seek out a non-destructive solution.It would be cavalier to just wipe the internal drive and re-stage the machine without knowing what wouldn’t fix it, and it could be destructive to the workflow of the user, so we left that for last.
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What’s The Future Bring?
2019 I’m getting on the stick about two specific things: Python and the SimpleMDM API.I’ve said it before about Python, but I’ve actually accomplished some small tasks this way, so I’m excited to tweak a few more things into Amazon Lambda, Python and the SimpleMDM API as part of our goal to make better touch-less workflows in 2019.I’ve got some ideas for an open library of Python scripts for using the SimpleMDM API, but I need to get some tasks genericized and working, first.
Where Do We Start?
Well, there’s the obvious steps, the ones that would surely be on everyone’s list.
Why use tBridge?
Tapping into different blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystems can unlock many new use cases.More importantly, it can help address some of the scaling solutions several top blockchains have been struggling with.tBridge allows for trustless and decentralized exchanging of value between interoperable blockchains.