- 1 Overview of WeTrust
- 2 Blockchain
- 3 Network
- 4 Are Bitcoin and Gold Good Investments?
- 5 How do I become an IYWT Council Member?
- 6 What is trust?
- 7 What is IYWT and why was it started?
- 8 What are IYWT Council Member responsibilities?
- 9 What is real?
- 10 What Evidence Should We Trust?
- 11 Interested in First Amendment current events?
- 12 What is TRST and where can I obtain TRST so that I can stake?
- 13 Why was this study performed?
- 14 How Much Should we Trust Estimates of Firm Effects and Worker Sorting?
- 15 History of WeTrust
Overview of WeTrust
Implementing technological checks and balances – smart contracts, for one – WeTrust hopes that middlemen and fees can be minimized without compromising the integrity of the product.The WeTrust platform serves as a banking service for the countless unbanked citizens of the world.Though many of the details remain to be fleshed out, it’s WeTrust’s vision that they will also be able to fill the role of the “trusted third party” in the insurance and loan industries with blockchain technology.Users can create customized “trusted lending circles” on the platform and refer to that circle when they need financial help, instead of going through the hassle of asking a bank.
If you would like to know where to buy WeTrust, the top exchanges for trading in WeTrust are currently HitBTC, and Bancor Network.You can find others listed on our crypto exchanges page.
Are Bitcoin and Gold Good Investments?
All of which points to inflation not far down the road.Traditionally, this is a prospect that would have triggered an increase in demand for store-of-value commodities such as precious metals.However, technology has come to the rescue with an increasingly compelling commodity called bitcoin, a cryptocurrency based on a fundamental principle: its supply is finite and it has already been issued at a very high rate.That gives it a fundamental advantage in terms of trust over either tradicional currencies or stablecoins based on baskets of coins or assets which, as we have already seen, are very unstable.
How do I become an IYWT Council Member?
Step One: review the IYWT Council Informational Letter
Step Two: Attend the IYWT Council Kickoff Meeting, held VIRTUALLY on Saturday, September 19th, 2020, at 9:00 a.m.Step Three: Decide you’re willing and able to attend most meetings and activities
Step Four: Complete and submit the membership application by October 1st and submit a letter of recommendation no later than October 8th, 2020
Step Five: Applicants will be notified prior to the October 17th meeting of their acceptance.
What is trust?
Trust is defined as a confident relationship with the unknown.But we are far from comfortable when we look at the unknown future.We are seeing trust currently shifting from institutional hierarchies to the network economy in distributed and decentralized business models.Every organization threatens to be disturbed by a more familiar version of itself.Blockchain start-ups offer alternatives to give citizens and consumers more confidence about what is being done with their data.Organizations such as Tripadvisor, Amazon and Airbnb use ratings and reviews to organize our trust.At the same time, they are so successful in generating revenue with their platforms, that trust is becoming a monopoly.
What is IYWT and why was it started?
In 1993, the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois was one of 20 community foundations selected by the Ford Foundation to be part of a program called Changing Communities: Diverse Needs.The Foundation suggested to Ford that the best way to bring a community together was to bring youth together.
What are IYWT Council Member responsibilities?
The IYWT Council meets approximately one Saturday morning a month during the school year.As part of the IYWT grant process each year, In Youth We Trust Council members review grant applications for youth projects, evaluate the applications, and interview the applicants.In addition to participating in the grant review program, members take part in many community-building activities** including volunteer work and planning community events for youth.
What is real?
While confidence is steadily shifting, our perception of what is real and what is not, is disturbed.Facebook, Twitter and Google have mainly based their business models on advertising.These so-called attention traders publish massive clickbait and fake news to keep our attention.To what extent can we trust their code to organize our lives without losing control of the truth? Before we all make a big leap into the unknown, we must first reconsider how we can organize trust in a sustainable way.
What Evidence Should We Trust?
When forced to decide between a career in biochemistry or psychology in the spring of 1950, I chose the latter because of a gnawing puzzlement provoked by the observation that apparently sane people living in the same community held different beliefs about love, honesty, and whom was entitled to respect and whom to scorn.It would take another twenty-five years before I appreciated that the answer to my adolescent confusion was that people trusted different sources of evidence when establishing their beliefs.Some trusted their feelings; others their observations; and some relied on the statements of respected authorities.Millions of Americans of my generation who reached adulthood during the first half of the last century relied on a feeling when they decided that Freud’s explanation of the causes of their doubt, anxiety, and guilt were probably right.A majority of equally anxious Americans, reflecting on different evidence in 2016, find the same explanations deeply flawed.
Interested in First Amendment current events?
D.Jason Berggren (Updated July 2017 by David L.Hudson Jr.).2009.In God We Trust [electronic resource].The First Amendment Encyclopedia, Middle Tennessee State University (accessed May 05, 2021).http://www.mtsu.
What is TRST and where can I obtain TRST so that I can stake?
Trustcoins (TRST) are utility tokens created on the ERC20 standard to facilitate the coordination of multiple parties through incentives on the WeTrust Platform.
Why was this study performed?
Outcomes for stroke patients are closely tied to how fast they receive treatment: Every 30 minutes delay before treatment reduces the chance of a good outcome by 14%*, and every hour of delay ages the brain by 3.6 years compared to a normally aging brain*.
How Much Should we Trust Estimates of Firm Effects and Worker Sorting?
Many studies use matched employer-employee data to estimate a statistical model of earnings determination where log-earnings are expressed as the sum of worker effects, firm effects, covariates, and idiosyncratic error terms.Estimates based on this model have produced two influential yet controversial conclusions.First, firm effects typically explain around 20% of the variance of log-earnings, pointing to the importance of firm-specific wage-setting for earnings inequality.Second, the correlation between firm and worker effects is often small and sometimes negative, indicating little if any sorting of high-wage workers to high-paying firms.The objective of this paper is to assess the sensitivity of these conclusions to the biases that arise because of limited mobility of workers across firms.We use employer-employee data from the US and several European countries while taking advantage of both fixed-effects and random-effects methods for bias-correction.We find that limited mobility bias is severe and that bias-correction is important.Once one corrects for limited mobility bias, firm effects dispersion matters less for earnings inequality and worker sorting becomes always positive and typically strong.