- 1 Overview of XPAY Token
- 2 Is insomnia-plugin-cybersource-xpay-token-generator popular?
- 3 Is insomnia-plugin-cybersource-xpay-token-generator safe to use?
- 4 Want Daily XPAY Price Updates?
- 5 What is insomnia-plugin-cybersource-xpay-token-generator?
- 6 What is Mutual TLS?
- 7 Why the Pundi XPOS?
- 8 History of XPAY Token
Overview of XPAY Token
Is insomnia-plugin-cybersource-xpay-token-generator popular?
The npm package insomnia-plugin-cybersource-xpay-token-generator receives a total of
1 weekly downloads.As such,
insomnia-plugin-cybersource-xpay-token-generator popularity was classified as
limited.Visit the
popularity section
on Snyk Advisor to see the full health analysis.
Is insomnia-plugin-cybersource-xpay-token-generator safe to use?
While scanning the latest version of insomnia-plugin-cybersource-xpay-token-generator, we found
that a security review is needed.A total of
0 vulnerabilities or license issues were
detected.See the full
security scan results.
Want Daily XPAY Price Updates?
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What is insomnia-plugin-cybersource-xpay-token-generator?
Simple plugin for creation of X-Pay-Token for use in CyberSource Generate Key API.Visit Snyk Advisor to see a
full health score report
for insomnia-plugin-cybersource-xpay-token-generator, including popularity, security, maintenance
& community analysis.
What is Mutual TLS?
The Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a protocol designed to provide secure communication over the Internet and includes authentication, confidentiality and integrity.When a TLS connection is established the server provides a certificate that the client validates before trusting the server’s identity.The server can also request the client to authenticate itself through a client certificate.The latter is referred to mutual TLS and sometimes even called client TLS.
Why the Pundi XPOS?
In addition to digital currency and fiat transactions, the XPOS can also support marketing and loyalty programs.The XPOS, in short, is an all-in-one solution for retailers.