Overview of yAxis
strategy, staking, liquidity provision, and storage reference, as well as the
YAX token contract itself and most importantly, the yAxisMetavault.
Uniswap 1inch
You can also earn YAXIS through the staking section on the yAxis platform.
strategy available.
First, Why Live Tools?
In recent years, shops have experienced market changes that continue to impact how parts are manufactured.Shorter lead times, reduced lot sizes and the drive to eliminate inventory have conspired to change the manufacturing process.
How Does yAxis Work?
The goal of yAxis is to create a yield portfolio which can obtain the best return by taking advantage of other existing yield aggregating platforms such as Yearn Finance or Pickle Finance.yAxis operates above these platforms and can switch between deployed strategies in order to maximize yields.Currently, the flagship product is the stablecoin-based MetaVault V2.In the near-future MetaVault V3 with Canonical Vaults will support delegated strategies across BTC, ETH, LINK and more.Governance also plays a key role in determining how yAxis Project will launch new strategies and products.## MetaVault V2
The MetaVault V2 is the current iteration of yAxis' flagship product.It allows users to deposit stablecoin assets in the form of USDT, USDC, DAI, and Curve 3pool (3CRV) into a single vault.The 3CRV is then invested in various yield farming opportunities on behalf of the user.Whenever there is a better strategy available, MetaVault will convert the underlying deposits into the appropriate asset to begin yield-farming using the more profitable strategy.Users can choose to withdraw their funds anytime by withdrawing their stablecoin and claiming their YAXIS rewards.## MetaVault V3 with Canonical Vaults
The imminent MetaVault V3 product will allow users to deposit a wide range of digital assets such as BTC, ETH, LINK, into a series of Canonical Vaults.This planned upgrade of MetaVault will include a basket of diverse, risk-weighted strategies for each digital asset.## Governance
Strategies are decided by the community by staking YAXIS tokens on the governance platform.YAXIS holders can choose from a preselected list of yield farming aggregators, and stake their tokens in the contract which they believe will provide the best return.Strategy risk, fees, and the overall DeFi market sentiment will be displayed on the governance user interface.In return for voting, the community will reward voters with a share of the MetaVault’s performance fee.## How Can I buy YAXIS?
YAXIS can purchased at the following cryptocurrency exchanges:
Uniswap 1inch
You can also earn YAXIS through the staking section on the yAxis platform.Users can stake their existing YAXIS to earn a share of farming rewards.Users may also provide liquidity for the YAXIS-ETH pair on Uniswap.LP Tokens (Liquidity Provider) can then be staked on the YAXIS app to earn additional YAXIS rewards.To learn more about this and other yield farming programs, head over to the Yield Farming Learn resource.
How Does Y-Axis Work?
To get Y-axis motion, an extra set of ways is used to move the live tool across the face of the spindle.Several configurations are offered by different builders.Hitachi Seiki makes two sizes and configurations of Y-axis turn/mill machines.The smaller model has ten tool positions with five live-tool pockets on the turret.These tools are driven by a 5-horsepower motor at up to 3,000 rpm.The Y-axis ways are independently placed under the carriage/cross slide, on which the turret is mounted.The ten tools on the turret are augmented by a 12- or 20-tool fixed/live toolchanger.
How to use yAxis?
MetaVault v2 is available through the yAxis website which is also optimised for mobile.Users simply connect the wallet, and select which asset to deposit into the vault.
One Machine, Two Programs?
So how do you make a turn/mill machine play your tune? It certainly seems logical, from a programming point of view, that a combination two-axis lathe and four-axis machining center is a more complicated beast than either machine tool would be by itself.
What Are YAXIS Tokens?
The YAXIS token serves as the governance token of the yAxis DAO.Stakers play the role of a decentralised portfolio manager.This earns them a percentage of the yield farming profits from the vaults.
What Is yAxis Project?
yAxis is a DeFi yield portfolio that grows USD stablecoin balances through active management.A single vault that allocates capital across a range of farms.Allocations are governed by a DAO, where token holders vote to implement the best strategy available.
What is yAxis?
yAxis MetaVault v2 is an aggregator of yield aggregators, allowing crypto holders to earn interest on their assets through a versatile, multi-strategy vault.The goal is to make DeFi easy with one-step deposit and withdrawal, while offering users active risk management and gas savings over time.The MetaVault sits on the layer above yield aggregators, enabling the vault to allocate capital across many different strategies in order to manage the vault like a traditional portfolio manager.Transaction fees are pooled, leading to significant cumulative gas savings over a personally managed account.Through diversification, the vault controls capital risk, and serves as a guardian watching over the safety of funds.v2 is a USD stablecoin focussed vault.Users can deposit DAI, USDC, USDT or 3CRV, and also withdraw to a choice of these assets.yAxis is expanding this concept of a managed vault which will allow users to earn interest on other ERC20 variants of BTC, ETH and LINK through delegated strategies.
What Will Y-Axis Do For You?
Y-axis capability is an enhancement to a turn/mill machine tool.The constraint of two axes of linear motion is inescapable on some applications.While there are techniques, such as polar coordinate programming, which use axis interpolation to get three-axis like cuts, there remain some workpiece features that simply can't be cut using the two linear axes available on a standard turn/mill machine.
Why Y-Axis For Turn/Mill Machines?
Live tooling on turning centers greatly expands multiple processing capability.With the addition of Y-axis, turning and machining process integration takes a significant step further.Here's how the technology works.