Overview of YUSRA
Yusra believes in the importance of positive approaches, living the values, managing stress, using strengths and feedback for leadership which creates results and supports her coachees by empowering them through challenge and increasing their awareness.
Yusra, just 17 at the time, eventually made it to Germany. In 2016, she fulfilled her dream of swimming in the Olympics as part of the first Refugee Olympic Team ever at the Rio Olympics.
Yusra said: “Actually, Olympic Solidarity is supporting me a lot and in a big way; and I think that without their support, I don’t know, I’m not sure that I would be able to make it.”
Yusra atseemed the World Economic Forum in Davos as the youngest participant ever and delivered 5 speeches and met people like Sheryl Sandberg, Hamdi Ulukaya, will.i.am, Michael Johnson, Muhammad Yunus, etc.
Yusra has 29 years experience in airline, hospitality and FMCG in Customer Services, Human Resources and Training Departments in various positions completing her corporate life as HR Director.
Yusra’s incredible story is told in her memoir ‘Butterfly: From Refugee to Olympian – My Story of Rescue, Hope and Triumph’ which is currently being adapted into a film.
Yusra is available for a limited number of speaking appearances, on panels and at large events to share her story, inform, motivate and inspire as an advocate for the refugee cause.
Yusra remained with Garrod throughout her excavations at Mount Carmel, from 1929 to 1935, working on important prehistoric sites which include Tabun, El Wad, Es Skhul, Shuqba and Kebara.
Yusra says she’s excited to join the Dobies Health Marketing team as well, for many reasons: “As I learned about this company, I could tell it was the place for me,” she says.
Yusra, her sister and two others jumped into the waves and swam for three and a half hours in open water to stop their dinghy capsizing, saving the lives of 20 people.
As a professional swimmer, Yusra was determined not to let any of her fellow passengers drown.Fifteen minutes into the sea crossing, the boat’s engine failed.
Everyone needs motivation, especially now, and it’s important that we stick together and support each other in hard times, Yusra said.
How are volunteers verified?
Option 1: Via an existing volunteers referral code.Option 2: Via one of our volunteer on-boarding partners.
What is The Vault?
This is a fund that we are setting up to help financially support vulnerable users and dedicated volunteers. More info here.
What services can users ask for?
Help with child care, help if sick, elderly assistance, food support, help finding a teacher and advice.Two additional services have been added to help with the COVID-19 pandemic: Start a mutual aid group and support with self isolating.
What services can users NOT ask for?
Financial assistance, emergency assistance and professional care.
Who can join the app?
Anyone can join as a user.If you would like to join as a volunteer you will need to be verified first.
History of YUSRA
In 1932, whilst working at Tabun Cave, she found a tooth which turned out to be part of a fragmented but mostly complete human skull.[4] Once recovered and pieced back together it was found that the skull, known as Tabun 1, belonged to a female, adult Neanderthal that lived between 120,000 and 50,000 years ago.[1] It has been described as “one of the most important human fossils ever found.”[5]
In 2015, Yusra Mardini almost drowned in the Mediterranean while fleeing the civil war in Syria.
In 2016, Yusra’s lifelong dream came true — she competed at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, joining fellow refugees under the Olympic flag as part of the Refugee Olympic Team.
In 2017, Yusra gave speeches at several high-level events, from the Google Zeitgeist conference to the World Economic Forum in Davos, where she was the youngest ever speaker.