Overview of ZelCash
Check out our other calculators to see if another one coin could be more profitable for you.ZelCash is one of many altcoins that you can mine.
– Ethash blockchain will be used for smart contracts and decentralised application development platform that, once launched, will be open source and free to use by developers to create world changing applications.This is minable and is the Equihash Algorithim.Utilizing both Equihash and Ethash blockchains, we aim to bring the best of both, together unified as one.Zelcash the coin is the central part of our network and will be used for the transaction of value.
How to buy Zelcash (ZEL) from above-listed exchanges?
Step 1: Click on Buy Zelcash (ZEL) from Exchange button.Step 2: You will be redirected to the exchange.Step 3: Sign up if you do not have an account with that exchange else log in.Step 4: See if the exchange support fiat currency or cryptocurrency or both.Step 5: Deposit the currency it supports and buy the currency you want.
Mining gains, new trend ?
Mining gains? Need more signals to confirm new bull’s run.
Down to 355 satoshi, is the coin dying?
The coin just dropped again, and with no real news I'm starting to worry, thinking if I should get out.What happened to the zel-driven decentralized exchange we were promised? Or user made dapps built on the zel blockchain? As far as I know, its not even possible to make dapps yourself, even though there are 1k zelnodes idling as we speak.Are they pointless stake-schemes designed to ramp up a false demand for the coin/project? Why even have zel when you cant use it for anything.No user made contract functionality, no c++ library with custom contract functionality or anything.