
Overview of Zoomba

  • Zoomba adds a significant amount of data validation support for REST and SOAP APIs, exseems functionality for typical Web GUI automation, and
    exseems AppiumLibrary functionality to support Windows desktop automation.
  • Zoomba Group publishes the following magazines and brands: Foodservice Equipment & Supplies; restaurant development + design; THE Quarterly Product Knowledge Guide, and multiple, online e-newsletters.
  • Zoomba Group is an original content creation company serving readers across a variety of platforms, including print, online, mobile apps, social media and in-person events.
  • Zoomba is a collection of libraries spanning GUI, REST API, SOAP API, Mobile, and Windows Desktop automation using Robot Framework.
  • Zoomba is a full body improvised workout/dance experience that can be played in the comfort of your own home using Zoom.
  • Zoomba has a current supply of 24,703,252.922 with 24,697,825.929 in circulation.
  • Zoomba at the Zoo
    Sundays, June 28, July 26, August 30, and September 27
  • Zoomba Group will help make it move for your foodservice business.
  • Zoomba (ZBA) is a cryptocurrency.
  • Zoomba!
  • Support

    Zoomba adds a significant amount of data validation support for REST and SOAP APIs, extends functionality for typical Web GUI automation, and
    extends AppiumLibrary functionality to support Windows desktop automation.

    Zoumba, Zoomba, and Zamba – Will the real Zumba please stand up?

    I was running out of ideas for the Zumba blogs, so I asked online for some questions people had about Zumba.  I’m going to be answering those for the next few weeks.

    History of Zoomba