- 1 Overview of Aussiedoodles
- 2 Allergies
- 3 Barking
- 4 Bloat
- 5 Breed
- 6 Coat
- 7 Energy
- 8 Grooming
- 9 Health
- 10 Infections
- 11 Life expectancy
- 12 Personality
- 13 Social
- 14 Temperament
- 15 Training
- 16 Anything else I should know about owning this dog?
- 17 Are Aussidoodles good with children?
- 18 Are Aussiedoodle Dogs Hypoallergenic ?
- 19 Are Aussiedoodles A Good Family Dog?
- 20 Are Aussiedoodles aggressive?
- 21 Are Aussiedoodles Barkers?
- 22 Are Aussiedoodles good apartment dogs?
- 23 Are Aussiedoodles Good With Kids?
- 24 Are Aussiedoodles healthy?
- 25 Are Aussiedoodles Hyper – What Makes Them So Energetic?
- 26 Are Aussiedoodles hypoallergenic?
- 27 Are Aussiedoodles intelligent?
- 28 Are These Dogs Good For Families?
- 29 Are These Dogs Good for Families? ??
- 30 Are you ready to become a dog trainer?
- 31 Aussiedoodle health issues – what I should expect?
- 32 Aussiedoodle: Is This Teddy Bear Dog Right For Your Family?
- 33 Aussiedoodle: Is This Teddy Bear Dog Right For Your Family?
- 34 Aussiedoodle: Is This Teddy Bear Dog Right For Your Family?
- 35 Aussiedoodles: Do They Shed? Are They Allergy-Free?
- 36 Buyer’s Guide: What You Need To Know?
- 37 Color or health?
- 38 Do Ausidoodles have hypoallergenic coats?
- 39 Do Aussiedoodes have health problems?
- 40 Do Aussiedoodle Dogs require exercise?
- 41 Do Aussiedoodles bark a lot?
- 42 Do Aussiedoodles Need To Be Groomed & Bathed?
- 43 Do Aussiedoodles shed?
- 44 Do Aussiedoodles Shed?
- 45 Do they have any health problems?
- 46 Do you have a fenced-in yard?
- 47 Do you live in an apartment?
- 48 Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?
- 49 Exercise ??
- 50 Food & Diet Requirements ??
- 51 German Shepherd Pitbull Mix: A Dangerous Dog or Family Guardian?
- 52 German Shepherd Pitbull Mix: A Dangerous Dog or Family Guardian?
- 53 German Shepherd Pitbull Mix: A Dangerous Dog or Family Guardian?
- 54 Great! Now, where can I get my new Aussiedoodle puppy?
- 55 Grooming ??
- 56 Health and Conditions??
- 57 How active are these dogs?
- 58 How Big Do Mini Aussiedoodles Get?
- 59 How Big Do Standard Aussiedoodles Get?
- 60 How Big Do Toy Aussiedoodles Get?
- 61 How big is an Aussiedoodle?
- 62 How Do I Get My Aussiedoodle To Stop Barking?
- 63 How expensive is an Aussiedoodle?
- 64 How Long Does an Aussiedoodle Live?
- 65 How Long Does an Aussiedoodle Live?
- 66 How Long Does an Aussiedoodle Live?
- 67 How much does an Aussiedoodle cost?
- 68 How Much Does An Aussiedoodle Cost?
- 69 How Much Does An Aussiedoodle Cost?
- 70 How Much Does An Aussiedoodle Cost?
- 71 How Much Does An Aussiedoodle cost?
- 72 How Much Does an Aussiedoodle Cost?
- 73 How Much Exercise Do Aussiedoodles Need?
- 74 How much exercise does an Aussiedoodle need?
- 75 How much time do you spend at home?
- 76 How to Take Care Of An Aussiedoodle Dog?
- 77 I heard Aussiedoodles are SUPER high energy!?
- 78 I want one! How do I get an Aussiedoodle?
- 79 Is an AussieDoodle a good breed for my family with kids?
- 80 Is Aussiedoodles Hypoallergenic?
- 81 Is it hard to train an Aussiedoodle?
- 82 Is The Aussiedoodle A Good Family Dog?
- 83 Is The Aussiedoodle A Good Family Dog?
- 84 Is The Aussiedoodle A Good Family Dog?
- 85 Is the Aussiedoodles hypoallergenic?
- 86 Pros & Cons: Should you get an Aussiedoodle?
- 87 Size: How big will an Aussiedoodle get?
- 88 So, are you ready to adopt an Aussiedoodle? Do you feel that an Aussiedoodle is the right breed for you and your family?
- 89 Temperament: Are Aussiedoodles good family dogs?
- 90 Training ??
- 91 What does an Aussiedoodle look like?
- 92 What Does An Aussiedoodle Look Like?
- 93 What Impacts the Height and Weight of an Aussiedoodle?
- 94 What is an Aussiedoodle Dog Breed?
- 95 What Is An Aussiedoodle?
- 96 What is the coat line on an Aussiedoodle?
- 97 What is the size of a Mini Aussiedoodle?
- 98 What is the temperment of an Aussiedoodle?
- 99 What Roles Are Aussiedoodles Best Suited For?
- 100 What’s the Aussie Doodle’s Size And Weight?
- 101 What’s the Price of Aussiedoodle Puppies?
- 102 When Do Aussiedoodles Stop Growing?
- 103 Where do these dogs come from?
- 104 Why Are There So Many Poodle Mixes?
- 105 History of Aussiedoodles
Overview of Aussiedoodles
Aussiedoodles are low-shedding, low dander, hypoallergenic dogs.Yes!
If an Aussiedoodle is barking, then chances are there is a legitimate cause and barking is deemed the appropriate response.
Be sure to keep your Aussiedoodle at a healthy weight, as this will greatly reduce its chances of developing joint pain, bloat, or cancer.Like all breeds, these dogs need their nails trimmed about every two weeks, and their teeth brushed about two times a week.
Aussiedoodles make outstanding family pets and are generally great with children of all sizes.They are sweet, outgoing dogs who are full of life! The Aussiedoodle is a highly intelligent and friendly dog.They are very family orientated and love spending time with their people. Aussiedoodles are often used as service or therapy dogs due to their lovable nature and their train ability. They are a well rounded breed who love to get outside and play but can be just as content to lay at your feet.
Apart from its smarts, the main reason for the Poodle being used in so many of the “designer dog” lines is its low-shedding coat, and the first breeders of the Aussiedoodle clearly had this in mind for their puppies.It is exceptionally clever, and highly energetic, and demands a committed owner with the necessary time and energy to devote to training and exercise.Similarly, the Poodle has a reputation as one of the most clever breeds, and can also be a very active and excitable dog, so it should come as no surprise that the crossing of these two breeds produces pups with predictable traits.Somewhat confusingly, the Australian Shepherd has very little connection with Australia, but is a very popular companion dog in the United States, where it was developed as a working dog.
Many Aussiedoodle enthusiasts describe these dogs’ personalities as goofy and loving.No matter their size, whether they are a smaller Aussiedoodle from a Toy Poodle or a larger Aussiedoodle from a Standard Poodle, you can expect this dog to have a lot of energy.You can keep your Aussiedoodle occupied with long hikes, walks, beach days, or retrieval games.
Now that we’ve established that the Aussiedoodle is a crossbreed and that a crossbreed can inherit any number of traits from his purebred parents, it should come as no surprise that grooming and general care could go either way.
As such, they deserve the very best kind of food that’s going to keep them both happy and healthy.With such a wide variety of dog chow out there, it can be difficult to know where to start when selecting the best dog food for Aussiedoodles.Aussiedoodles, otherwise known as Aussiepoos, are incredibly loveable and active dogs.Here we have compiled a list of the top choices as recommended by Doodle owners to get you up and running.They make fun and loyal pets for those energetic enough to keep up with them.
Ears should be checked weekly for redness, and a wipe down of the ears using a damp cotton ball is recommended on alternate days.The ears of the Aussiedoodle have small, fine hairs that are typically trimmed to avoid ear infections.
Life expectancy
Aussiedoodles are large herding dogs born to Australian shepherds and poodles that rarely bark.The life expectancy for Aussiedoodles is 11-12 years, which is considered somewhat shorter than average for large breeds.
These include:While there is no doubt that Aussiedoodles inherit the very best traits of their parent breeds in terms of looks and personality, they are, unfortunately, also susceptible to some of the same health conditions.
Due to the fact their Australian Shepherd parent is primarily a herding dog, sometimes herding can occur within the home.While the Aussiedoodle largely gets on with children and other pets and is great to have around the home, if you do not socialize them properly from a young age then they may begin to exhibit herding behaviors.
Now we have learnt all about the temperament and characteristics of the Aussiedoodle, it is time to take a look at what living with one of these pups on a day to day basis is really like.We will cover their food and diet, their exercise needs and their grooming needs.
Aussiedoodles are extremely smart and eager to please.Basic training such as "sit", "come", "stay" etc.Both of the breeds used to create the Aussiedoodle are considered to be canine Einsteins, making this one super smart cross-breed.It is important to crate train your Aussiedoodle when they are young so that they don't become destructive in your home and are reliable with potty training. should start as soon as you take your Aussiedoodle home to insure your puppy starts off on the right foot.Training must be done with rewards, firmness, patience and consistency.
Anything else I should know about owning this dog?
Made up your mind about getting an Australian Shepherd Poodle mix? Here are a few more questions to help you determine if it’s a perfect match.Made up your mind about getting an Australian Shepherd Poodle mix? Here are a few more questions to help you determine if it’s a perfect match.Made up your mind about getting an Australian Shepherd Poodle mix? Here are a few more questions to help you determine if it’s a perfect match.Made up your mind about getting an Australian Shepherd Poodle mix? Here are a few more questions to help you determine if it’s a perfect match.
Are Aussidoodles good with children?
Aussiedoodles are excellent dogs for children! However, you should be sure to socialize your Aussiedoodle from a young age, especially with young children.Aussiedoodles are excellent dogs for children! However, you should be sure to socialize your Aussiedoodle from a young age, especially with young children.Aussiedoodles are excellent dogs for children! However, you should be sure to socialize your Aussiedoodle from a young age, especially with young children.Aussiedoodles are excellent dogs for children! However, you should be sure to socialize your Aussiedoodle from a young age, especially with young children.Always discourage nipping or play biting, because these dogs have a natural instinct to nip.Always discourage nipping or play biting, because these dogs have a natural instinct to nip.Always discourage nipping or play biting, because these dogs have a natural instinct to nip.Always discourage nipping or play biting, because these dogs have a natural instinct to nip.
Are Aussiedoodle Dogs Hypoallergenic ?
Yes! The Aussiedoodle is a medium or large sized
hypoallergenic dog that hardly drools or sheds.Yes! The Aussiedoodle is a medium or large sized
hypoallergenic dog that hardly drools or sheds.Yes! The Aussiedoodle is a medium or large sized
hypoallergenic dog that hardly drools or sheds.Yes! The Aussiedoodle is a medium or large sized
hypoallergenic dog that hardly drools or sheds.
Are Aussiedoodles A Good Family Dog?
Aussiedoodles are very devoted to their family members, and this devotion makes them excellent family dogs.One quality, although it may be annoying and troublesome, definitely comes from heredity.Keep in mind that Aussiedoodles are half Australian Shepherd.Australian Shepherds were originally bred to be herding dogs, and this is still in their bloodlines.
Are Aussiedoodles aggressive?
Aussiedoodles are not at all aggressive.These friendly and happy-go-lucky dogs make excellent family dogs because they love people and just want attention! They want to be by your side all the time and join in the fun, and they make excellent playmates for children.
Are Aussiedoodles Barkers?
Aussiedoodles are not known for their barking.In fact, many owners often report that it is rare behavior in their dogs and there is a low tendency for them to do so.
Are Aussiedoodles good apartment dogs?
No! The Aussiedoodle is a very active, lively dog that needs plenty of space and a lot of attention.No! The Aussiedoodle is a very active, lively dog that needs plenty of space and a lot of attention.No! The Aussiedoodle is a very active, lively dog that needs plenty of space and a lot of attention.No! The Aussiedoodle is a very active, lively dog that needs plenty of space and a lot of attention.If you’re a student, or a 9-5 worker that lives in an apartment, this is definitely not the dog for you! If you’re really determined to have an Aussiedoodle however, doggy daycare is always an option.If you’re a student, or a 9-5 worker that lives in an apartment, this is definitely not the dog for you! If you’re really determined to have an Aussiedoodle however, doggy daycare is always an option.If you’re a student, or a 9-5 worker that lives in an apartment, this is definitely not the dog for you! If you’re really determined to have an Aussiedoodle however, doggy daycare is always an option.If you’re a student, or a 9-5 worker that lives in an apartment, this is definitely not the dog for you! If you’re really determined to have an Aussiedoodle however, doggy daycare is always an option.
Are Aussiedoodles Good With Kids?
Other than the possible and occasional “herding”, the Aussiedoodle is very good with kids.In fact, many owners claim they are the perfect pet for their kids.They’re gentle, loving, playful and very laid back.
Are Aussiedoodles healthy?
Aussipoos are a very healthy, robust breed! These dogs are a “designer breed”, and because they’re usually a mix between two purebred parents, they are genetically diverse, and therefore less likely to suffer from inherited diseases.Aussipoos are a very healthy, robust breed! These dogs are a “designer breed”, and because they’re usually a mix between two purebred parents, they are genetically diverse, and therefore less likely to suffer from inherited diseases.Aussipoos are a very healthy, robust breed! These dogs are a “designer breed”, and because they’re usually a mix between two purebred parents, they are genetically diverse, and therefore less likely to suffer from inherited diseases.Aussipoos are a very healthy, robust breed! These dogs are a “designer breed”, and because they’re usually a mix between two purebred parents, they are genetically diverse, and therefore less likely to suffer from inherited diseases.
Are Aussiedoodles Hyper – What Makes Them So Energetic?
The Aussiedoodle is a mix of two very lively and intelligent breeds.Both of its parents are known for their high levels of energy and penchant for playfulness.The Australian Shepherd, which makes up one half of the Aussiedoodle, is a very lively dog that can’t get enough of running about and having fun.
Are Aussiedoodles hypoallergenic?
Some owners say that their Aussiedoodles are hypoallergenic, but you can’t always guarantee a non-shedding pup if one of the parents sheds.That said, this hybrid can be non- to low-shedding.
Are Aussiedoodles intelligent?
Aussiedoodles are highly intelligent! So much so, in fact, that if they’re not given proper mental stimulation, they may become destructive.Aussiedoodles are highly intelligent! So much so, in fact, that if they’re not given proper mental stimulation, they may become destructive.Aussiedoodles are highly intelligent! So much so, in fact, that if they’re not given proper mental stimulation, they may become destructive.Aussiedoodles are highly intelligent! So much so, in fact, that if they’re not given proper mental stimulation, they may become destructive.
Are These Dogs Good For Families?
These dogs form incredibly close bonds with their family members and can react negatively if left alone for very long periods of time.
Are These Dogs Good for Families? ??
The Aussiedoodle is one of the best dogs for a family.The blend of intelligence makes it an engaging match for young children.The size of the dog keeps it from posing any threats, accidental or not, to smaller children or toddlers.Their energy is likely to match and perhaps exceed that of your children, keeping them all mentally and physically occupied during their playtimes.
Are you ready to become a dog trainer?
Aussiedoodles, when bred using careful calculations and scrutiny from breeders, are phenomenal dogs.Selecting complimentary breeding pairs will result in puppies that are intelligent, sweet and charming, and that have appropriate energy levels and impulse controls.
Aussiedoodle health issues – what I should expect?
These dogs are susceptible to the health problems that plague their parent breeds.These dogs are susceptible to the health problems that plague their parent breeds.These dogs are susceptible to the health problems that plague their parent breeds.These dogs are susceptible to the health problems that plague their parent breeds.Common health issues to look out for include hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, cataracts, epilepsy, ivermectin sensitivity, and Cushing’s disease.Common health issues to look out for include hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, cataracts, epilepsy, ivermectin sensitivity, and Cushing’s disease.Common health issues to look out for include hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, cataracts, epilepsy, ivermectin sensitivity, and Cushing’s disease.Common health issues to look out for include hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, cataracts, epilepsy, ivermectin sensitivity, and Cushing’s disease.
Aussiedoodle: Is This Teddy Bear Dog Right For Your Family?
An Aussiedoodle is a cheerful and energetic cross breed between the Australian Shepherd and Poodle.They look like a teddy bear and are very intelligent.
Aussiedoodle: Is This Teddy Bear Dog Right For Your Family?
An Aussiedoodle is a cheerful and energetic cross breed between the Australian Shepherd and Poodle.They look like a teddy bear and are very intelligent.
Aussiedoodle: Is This Teddy Bear Dog Right For Your Family?
An Aussiedoodle is a cheerful and energetic cross breed between the Australian Shepherd and Poodle.An Aussiedoodle is a cheerful and energetic cross breed between the Australian Shepherd and Poodle.They look like a teddy bear and are very intelligent.They look like a teddy bear and are very intelligent.
Aussiedoodles: Do They Shed? Are They Allergy-Free?
One of the first aspects considered when comparing potential dog breeds is whether or not they shed.One of the first aspects considered when comparing potential dog breeds is whether or not they shed.One of the first aspects considered when comparing potential dog breeds is whether or not they shed.Let's look at the shedding tendencies of an Aussiedoodle.Let's look at the shedding tendencies of an Aussiedoodle.Let's look at the shedding tendencies of an Aussiedoodle.
Buyer’s Guide: What You Need To Know?
Since Aussiedoodles have been growing in popularity, there’s a good chance you’ll find them through adoption organizations and at even dog shelters or rescue for Doodles.
Color or health?
I would like to address another aspect of the Aussiedoodle-color and pattern.
Do Ausidoodles have hypoallergenic coats?
Some consider the Aussiedoodle’s coats to be ‘hypoallergenic’, as poodles are often thought of in that respect since they do not shed.
Do Aussiedoodes have health problems?
As with any breed, there can be health issues, it is essential to keep up on all checks with your veterinary through their life.
Do Aussiedoodle Dogs require exercise?
Both parent breeds are high-energy breed.Therefore, the Aussiedoodle cross breed will be equally as active.Aussiedoodles require at least 60 to 90 minutes of exercise per day to live a healthy life.
Do Aussiedoodles bark a lot?
This hybrid doesn’t tend to do a lot of barking, but as with any dog, it will depend on how they were raised and trained.
Do Aussiedoodles Need To Be Groomed & Bathed?
Aussiedoodles need to be both groomed and bathed.The amount of maintenance will depend on the type of coat the dog inherits.The coat the dog inherits is usually dependent on what type of Poodle is used in the mix.If the dog has a curly coat, he’ll probably require daily brushing, whereas a wavy coat will require less frequent brushing.
Do Aussiedoodles shed?
Aussiepoos are essentially non-shedding dogs.Aussiepoos are essentially non-shedding dogs.Aussiepoos are essentially non-shedding dogs.Aussiepoos are essentially non-shedding dogs.However, if they’re not regularly brushed, or they have an unusually straight coat, these dogs may shed minimally.However, if they’re not regularly brushed, or they have an unusually straight coat, these dogs may shed minimally.However, if they’re not regularly brushed, or they have an unusually straight coat, these dogs may shed minimally.However, if they’re not regularly brushed, or they have an unusually straight coat, these dogs may shed minimally.
Do Aussiedoodles Shed?
One would think that since Poodles are considered as hypoallergenic as dogs can get, Aussiedoodles would fall in the same category.That is not the case because Australian Shepherds have a smooth yet double coat of hair.
Do they have any health problems?
All dogs have health problems, but Aussiedoodles have fewer than some other dogs.With luck and proper care, your adorable friend can enjoy a lifespan of 10 to 12 years.
Do you have a fenced-in yard?
As we’ve said before, these dogs have plenty of energy to spare.As we’ve said before, these dogs have plenty of energy to spare.As we’ve said before, these dogs have plenty of energy to spare.As we’ve said before, these dogs have plenty of energy to spare.A fenced-in yard gives them the wide-open space they need to run around and explore their environment.A fenced-in yard gives them the wide-open space they need to run around and explore their environment.A fenced-in yard gives them the wide-open space they need to run around and explore their environment.A fenced-in yard gives them the wide-open space they need to run around and explore their environment.No yard? Aussiepoos will enjoy going to dog parks, too, so having one nearby will help prevent all that energy from destroying your shoes and your couch.No yard? Aussiepoos will enjoy going to dog parks, too, so having one nearby will help prevent all that energy from destroying your shoes and your couch.No yard? Aussiepoos will enjoy going to dog parks, too, so having one nearby will help prevent all that energy from destroying your shoes and your couch.No yard? Aussiepoos will enjoy going to dog parks, too, so having one nearby will help prevent all that energy from destroying your shoes and your couch.
Do you live in an apartment?
Aussie doodles thrive indoors, but a cramped living area might not give them enough space to run around and burn off their high energy levels.Aussie doodles thrive indoors, but a cramped living area might not give them enough space to run around and burn off their high energy levels.Aussie doodles thrive indoors, but a cramped living area might not give them enough space to run around and burn off their high energy levels.Aussie doodles thrive indoors, but a cramped living area might not give them enough space to run around and burn off their high energy levels.And while this breed is easy to train, imagine having to walk up and down stairs multiple times a day to potty-train your dog.And while this breed is easy to train, imagine having to walk up and down stairs multiple times a day to potty-train your dog.And while this breed is easy to train, imagine having to walk up and down stairs multiple times a day to potty-train your dog.And while this breed is easy to train, imagine having to walk up and down stairs multiple times a day to potty-train your dog.
Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?
As with many other dog breeds, early socialization is essential in the training of the Aussiedoodle to live contentedly with other animals.It is a highly agreeable dog, so introducing other dogs and cats in a calm and slow manner will normally be enough for them to accept them as a new playmate.They may even attempt to herd animals that are smaller than them.Know that this is not a sign of aggression.
Exercise ??
Australian Shepherd Poodle Mixes don’t just require exercises typically associated with dogs.They thrive on a mix of physical activity as well as mental stimulation.They can be happy in any living situation as long as they are active enough.
Food & Diet Requirements ??
Since the amount that a dog consumes is largely dependent on its size, quoting an exact amount for an Aussiedoodle has great potential for inaccuracy.The wide variance in the breeding of the dog makes large gaps in the size of the dog.
German Shepherd Pitbull Mix: A Dangerous Dog or Family Guardian?
The German Shepherd cross American Pitbull Terrier is a dog of mystery.Affectionately known as German Pit or the Sheppit, this dog is the best of both worlds.
German Shepherd Pitbull Mix: A Dangerous Dog or Family Guardian?
The German Shepherd cross American Pitbull Terrier is a dog of mystery.Affectionately known as German Pit or the Sheppit, this dog is the best of both worlds.
German Shepherd Pitbull Mix: A Dangerous Dog or Family Guardian?
The German Shepherd cross American Pitbull Terrier is a dog of mystery.The German Shepherd cross American Pitbull Terrier is a dog of mystery.Affectionately known as German Pit or the Sheppit, this dog is the best of both worlds.Affectionately known as German Pit or the Sheppit, this dog is the best of both worlds.
Great! Now, where can I get my new Aussiedoodle puppy?
These dogs are sought-after in the US, so there’s a good chance you’ll find them through adoption organizations or even at shelters in your area.These dogs are sought-after in the US, so there’s a good chance you’ll find them through adoption organizations or even at shelters in your area.These dogs are sought-after in the US, so there’s a good chance you’ll find them through adoption organizations or even at shelters in your area.These dogs are sought-after in the US, so there’s a good chance you’ll find them through adoption organizations or even at shelters in your area.You can also talk to breed rescue organizations or to breeders to find a new Aussiedoodle puppy to take home.You can also talk to breed rescue organizations or to breeders to find a new Aussiedoodle puppy to take home.You can also talk to breed rescue organizations or to breeders to find a new Aussiedoodle puppy to take home.You can also talk to breed rescue organizations or to breeders to find a new Aussiedoodle puppy to take home.
Grooming ??
The coats of the two purebred parents are very different from each other.The Australian Shepherd has long hair and an undercoat while the Poodle typically has shorter, kinky hair or long, poofy hair.The grooming of your puppy will vary based on the traits that he assumes from the parents.
Health and Conditions??
Although the descendants of Poodles may be blessed with intelligence, they are unfortunately prone to many different health conditions.Since the Aussiedoodle is bred with an Australian Shepherd, it has a bigger gene pool and does not stand as much of a chance to inherit these adverse health issues.
How active are these dogs?
Australian Shepherds are high-energy dogs, so an Aussie doodle will similarly need at least 90 minutes of exercise per day.Australian Shepherds are high-energy dogs, so an Aussie doodle will similarly need at least 90 minutes of exercise per day.Australian Shepherds are high-energy dogs, so an Aussie doodle will similarly need at least 90 minutes of exercise per day.Australian Shepherds are high-energy dogs, so an Aussie doodle will similarly need at least 90 minutes of exercise per day.If you’re more of a couch potato, this may not be the ideal breed for you.If you’re more of a couch potato, this may not be the ideal breed for you.If you’re more of a couch potato, this may not be the ideal breed for you.If you’re more of a couch potato, this may not be the ideal breed for you.
How Big Do Mini Aussiedoodles Get?
So, how big do Mini Aussiedoodles get? The Mini Aussiedoodle size full grown will be between 20 and 45 pounds while standing 12-17 inches in height.So, how big do Mini Aussiedoodles get? The Mini Aussiedoodle size full grown will be between 20 and 45 pounds while standing 12-17 inches in height.So, how big do Mini Aussiedoodles get? The Mini Aussiedoodle size full grown will be between 20 and 45 pounds while standing 12-17 inches in height.So, how big do Mini Aussiedoodles get? The Mini Aussiedoodle size full grown will be between 20 and 45 pounds while standing 12-17 inches in height.
How Big Do Standard Aussiedoodles Get?
How big do Standard Aussiedoodles get? The Standard Aussiedoodle size is roughly 45-70 pounds and 17-22 inches in height.How big do Standard Aussiedoodles get? The Standard Aussiedoodle size is roughly 45-70 pounds and 17-22 inches in height.How big do Standard Aussiedoodles get? The Standard Aussiedoodle size is roughly 45-70 pounds and 17-22 inches in height.How big do Standard Aussiedoodles get? The Standard Aussiedoodle size is roughly 45-70 pounds and 17-22 inches in height.
How Big Do Toy Aussiedoodles Get?
Wondering how big do Toy Aussiedoodles get? The Toy Aussiedoodle size full grown will be 10-12 inches tall and weigh in at just 10-20 pounds.Wondering how big do Toy Aussiedoodles get? The Toy Aussiedoodle size full grown will be 10-12 inches tall and weigh in at just 10-20 pounds.Wondering how big do Toy Aussiedoodles get? The Toy Aussiedoodle size full grown will be 10-12 inches tall and weigh in at just 10-20 pounds.Wondering how big do Toy Aussiedoodles get? The Toy Aussiedoodle size full grown will be 10-12 inches tall and weigh in at just 10-20 pounds.
How big is an Aussiedoodle?
Full grown Aussiedoodle’s weight can range from 25 to 70 pounds.Full grown Aussiedoodle’s weight can range from 25 to 70 pounds.Full grown Aussiedoodle’s weight can range from 25 to 70 pounds.Full grown Aussiedoodle’s weight can range from 25 to 70 pounds.It depends on Aussie doodle breeder and used dogs.It depends on Aussie doodle breeder and used dogs.It depends on Aussie doodle breeder and used dogs.It depends on Aussie doodle breeder and used dogs.
How Do I Get My Aussiedoodle To Stop Barking?
First and foremost, it begins with recognizing the trigger and the cause.It is only from there can you implement the right strategy.
How expensive is an Aussiedoodle?
Aussiedoodles average around $1,000.Aussiedoodles average around $1,000.Aussiedoodles average around $1,000.Aussiedoodles average around $1,000.
How Long Does an Aussiedoodle Live?
The average healthy Aussiedoodle will live up to 10-12 years.
How Long Does an Aussiedoodle Live?
The average healthy Aussiedoodle will live up to 10-12 years.
How Long Does an Aussiedoodle Live?
The average healthy Aussiedoodle will live up to 10-12 years.The average healthy Aussiedoodle will live up to 10-12 years.
How much does an Aussiedoodle cost?
An Aussiedoodle is one of the cheaper Doodle mixes out there.However, you can still expect to pay anywhere between $700 and $1,200 per Aussiedoodle puppy due to the fact they are a designer dog.
How Much Does An Aussiedoodle Cost?
You should expect to pay between $1000-$2000 for an Aussiedoodle puppy.
How Much Does An Aussiedoodle Cost?
You should expect to pay between $1000-$2000 for an Aussiedoodle puppy.
How Much Does An Aussiedoodle Cost?
You should expect to pay between $1000-$2000 for an Aussiedoodle puppy.You should expect to pay between $1000-$2000 for an Aussiedoodle puppy.
How Much Does An Aussiedoodle cost?
Initially, you should expect to pay anywhere around $1000-$2000 for a healthy dog.A standard family-friendly Doodle will cost you $1100; on the other hand, a miniature will cost you as much as $1800.The price depends on where you live.It’s also common for good breeders to have waitlists, and you may find yourself waiting up to a year for your pup.
How Much Does an Aussiedoodle Cost?
The cost to become an Aussiedoodle owner can vary and depend on many things.
How Much Exercise Do Aussiedoodles Need?
Some dog breeders and trainers will tell you that exercise is almost as important to the dog as food and water.Providing your Aussiedoodle with regular exercise will not only keep him in the best possible condition but will also keep him from being bored and destructive.
How much exercise does an Aussiedoodle need?
The mini aussiedoodle is active, they need about 40-60 minutes of excerise daily to maintain their energy and mental levels.They make great running companions, as long as you can spend time with these dogs, inside or outdoors, they can adapt to either apartment, condo or inside living.
How much time do you spend at home?
These dogs need constant attention, not just because they’re devoted to you but also because they need mental stimulation.These dogs need constant attention, not just because they’re devoted to you but also because they need mental stimulation.These dogs need constant attention, not just because they’re devoted to you but also because they need mental stimulation.These dogs need constant attention, not just because they’re devoted to you but also because they need mental stimulation.The Aussie Shepherd-Poodle mix is a good match for you if you spend a lot of time at home; puppies, for instance, will need exercise at least every three hours.The Aussie Shepherd-Poodle mix is a good match for you if you spend a lot of time at home; puppies, for instance, will need exercise at least every three hours.The Aussie Shepherd-Poodle mix is a good match for you if you spend a lot of time at home; puppies, for instance, will need exercise at least every three hours.The Aussie Shepherd-Poodle mix is a good match for you if you spend a lot of time at home; puppies, for instance, will need exercise at least every three hours.
How to Take Care Of An Aussiedoodle Dog?
Just like it’s needed to be done with all the dogs, make sure to keep up with your pup’s regular veterinary checkups to help prevent disease and illness.
I heard Aussiedoodles are SUPER high energy!?
This is a FALSE perception that ALL Aussiedoodles are SUPER ACTIVE because they come from the Australian Shepherd.As a breeder and owner of Aussiedoodles I have found that this statement is UN-TRUE! My Aussiedoodles have mainly been medium energy dogs.
I want one! How do I get an Aussiedoodle?
If you’re ready to bring an adorable Aussiedoodle home, it’s a good idea to look to adopt first, particularly since many mixed breeds end up in shelters.
Is an AussieDoodle a good breed for my family with kids?
AussieDoodles love everyone, including kids, other dogs, cats and even chickens.AussieDoodles love everyone, including kids, other dogs, cats and even chickens.AussieDoodles love everyone, including kids, other dogs, cats and even chickens.AussieDoodles love everyone, including kids, other dogs, cats and even chickens.They are an incredible family pet and they love to go everywhere with you and your family.They are an incredible family pet and they love to go everywhere with you and your family.They are an incredible family pet and they love to go everywhere with you and your family.They are an incredible family pet and they love to go everywhere with you and your family.
Is Aussiedoodles Hypoallergenic?
No dog is 100% Hypoallergenic.No dog is 100% Hypoallergenic.No dog is 100% Hypoallergenic.No dog is 100% Hypoallergenic.However, poodles are among the most tolerable dogs to people who have allergies.However, poodles are among the most tolerable dogs to people who have allergies.However, poodles are among the most tolerable dogs to people who have allergies.However, poodles are among the most tolerable dogs to people who have allergies.
Is it hard to train an Aussiedoodle?
Because of their intelligence and desire to please, these little mini aussiedoodle are very easy to train.They will obey commands keenly, also if socialized at a young age, they can get along well with all types of animals and children.
Is The Aussiedoodle A Good Family Dog?
Aussiedoodles are great with kids, they are gentle and patient.
Is The Aussiedoodle A Good Family Dog?
Aussiedoodles are great with kids, they are gentle and patient.
Is The Aussiedoodle A Good Family Dog?
Aussiedoodles are great with kids, they are gentle and patient.Aussiedoodles are great with kids, they are gentle and patient.
Is the Aussiedoodles hypoallergenic?
Yes! Aussiedoodles are low-shedding, low dander, hypoallergenic dogs.Yes! Aussiedoodles are low-shedding, low dander, hypoallergenic dogs.Yes! Aussiedoodles are low-shedding, low dander, hypoallergenic dogs.Yes! Aussiedoodles are low-shedding, low dander, hypoallergenic dogs.If you are particularly sensitive to dog allergies, be sure to choose an Aussiedoodle that has a wavy or curly coat, and brush your dog every 3-4 days to remove loose fur.If you are particularly sensitive to dog allergies, be sure to choose an Aussiedoodle that has a wavy or curly coat, and brush your dog every 3-4 days to remove loose fur.If you are particularly sensitive to dog allergies, be sure to choose an Aussiedoodle that has a wavy or curly coat, and brush your dog every 3-4 days to remove loose fur.If you are particularly sensitive to dog allergies, be sure to choose an Aussiedoodle that has a wavy or curly coat, and brush your dog every 3-4 days to remove loose fur.
Pros & Cons: Should you get an Aussiedoodle?
That would be up to you and your lifestyle.Does an Aussiedoodle sound like the kind of dog you could add to your family? Their personality and lovability make them pretty hard to resist.
Size: How big will an Aussiedoodle get?
Generally, males and females are about the same size.They have an average weight of 25 to 70 pounds (11 to 32 kg) and are about 10 to 15 inches (25 to 38 cm) high at the shoulder.
So, are you ready to adopt an Aussiedoodle? Do you feel that an Aussiedoodle is the right breed for you and your family?
Here is a checklist to help you make this important decision.
Temperament: Are Aussiedoodles good family dogs?
Yes, they are! While they may be an Einstein breed, these dogs aren’t afraid to goof around, and the whole pack will enjoy their silly antics.Their owners describe them as playful clowns that love to have fun.
Training ??
Aussiedoodles are very easily trained, especially for someone who knows what they are doing.They become quickly engaged in any lesson and treasure those that are positively reinforced and especially rewards-based.They do not react well, as most dogs don’t, to harsh training methods.
What does an Aussiedoodle look like?
As you’d expect, an Australian Shepherd Poodle mix may inherit its parents; appearance, but it’s not always 50/50.
What Does An Aussiedoodle Look Like?
Because Aussiedoodles are mixed dogs, each one may look slightly different than the rest! Even pups from the same litter can have different and unique markings.
What Impacts the Height and Weight of an Aussiedoodle?
There are a few basic factors that control the size your Aussiedoodle will end up once they are an adult.There are a few basic factors that control the size your Aussiedoodle will end up once they are an adult.There are a few basic factors that control the size your Aussiedoodle will end up once they are an adult.There are a few basic factors that control the size your Aussiedoodle will end up once they are an adult.The major ones are the height/weight of the parents, which generation of Aussiedoodle the puppy is, and their gender.The major ones are the height/weight of the parents, which generation of Aussiedoodle the puppy is, and their gender.The major ones are the height/weight of the parents, which generation of Aussiedoodle the puppy is, and their gender.The major ones are the height/weight of the parents, which generation of Aussiedoodle the puppy is, and their gender.Genetics can be unpredictable, but these factors help your breeder in making a rough estimate of how large the puppies in a litter will be as adults.Genetics can be unpredictable, but these factors help your breeder in making a rough estimate of how large the puppies in a litter will be as adults.Genetics can be unpredictable, but these factors help your breeder in making a rough estimate of how large the puppies in a litter will be as adults.Genetics can be unpredictable, but these factors help your breeder in making a rough estimate of how large the puppies in a litter will be as adults.
What is an Aussiedoodle Dog Breed?
The Aussiedoodle, also known as an Aussie doodle, Aussie poo, or Aussie doo, is a crossbreed between two breeds: the Poodle with the Australian Shepherd.Both are highly intelligent breeds of dogs and this intelligence translates over to the Aussiedoodle.
What Is An Aussiedoodle?
Aussiedoodle is a cross between an Australian Shepherd and a Poodle.Aussiedoodle is a cross between an Australian Shepherd and a Poodle.Aussiedoodle is a cross between an Australian Shepherd and a Poodle.Aussiedoodle is a cross between an Australian Shepherd and a Poodle.This is a fairly new hybrid and has gained much popularity as a designer breed.This is a fairly new hybrid and has gained much popularity as a designer breed.This is a fairly new hybrid and has gained much popularity as a designer breed.This is a fairly new hybrid and has gained much popularity as a designer breed.Both Aussiedoodle’s parents are extremely smart breeds.Both Aussiedoodle’s parents are extremely smart breeds.Both Aussiedoodle’s parents are extremely smart breeds.Both Aussiedoodle’s parents are extremely smart breeds.As a result, an Aussiedoodle will have the same level of intelligence.As a result, an Aussiedoodle will have the same level of intelligence.As a result, an Aussiedoodle will have the same level of intelligence.As a result, an Aussiedoodle will have the same level of intelligence.
What is the coat line on an Aussiedoodle?
The mini aussiedoodle, will have a non-shedding hypoallergenic wavy to curl coat, of normal density and medium length, making it easy to care for, brushing is seasonal, since they do not shed much.This is perfect for those who don’t have time to constantly groom them.Our little mini aussiedoodle can have different combinations when it comes to their looks because of the difference between their parents breed.They can have a wide range of color options and combinations.Possibilities are Black, white, silver, blue, red, brown or gray, with brown or blue eyes.
What is the size of a Mini Aussiedoodle?
The average size of our mini aussiedoodle is around 12-18 pounds at maturity.This is ideal for travel, or inside living.Gender does not play a role in their size, and does not change their temperament.
What is the temperment of an Aussiedoodle?
The mini aussiedoodle is more on the nice side in temperment,because of this they are not ideal guard dogs, since they love to be around people.The mini aussiedoodle is a laid back dog that loves to play, and be with the ones they love.
What Roles Are Aussiedoodles Best Suited For?
The Aussiedoodle’s loving nature and loyal personality tend to make it best suited for a companion or all around family dog.It loves its family, enjoys playing with children and gets along well with other animals.
What’s the Aussie Doodle’s Size And Weight?
Most Aussiedoodles are medium-sized with long legs and a slim and athletic build.
What’s the Price of Aussiedoodle Puppies?
The Aussiedoodle is considered a designer dog breed, immediately making it more expensive than other hybrid dog breeds.The cost of an Aussiedoodle puppy depends on the pedigree of both of the parents.Since poodles are one of the most well-known pedigreed designer dog breeds, some high-quality parental lines of Aussiedoodles may be costly.
When Do Aussiedoodles Stop Growing?
Now that we’ve learned how big do Aussiedoodles get, let’s answer how long it takes on average for Aussiedoodles to reach their adult height and weight.Now that we’ve learned how big do Aussiedoodles get, let’s answer how long it takes on average for Aussiedoodles to reach their adult height and weight.Now that we’ve learned how big do Aussiedoodles get, let’s answer how long it takes on average for Aussiedoodles to reach their adult height and weight.Now that we’ve learned how big do Aussiedoodles get, let’s answer how long it takes on average for Aussiedoodles to reach their adult height and weight.
Where do these dogs come from?
Aussiedoodles became popular in the US only in the last few decades.Aussiedoodles became popular in the US only in the last few decades.Aussiedoodles became popular in the US only in the last few decades.Aussiedoodles became popular in the US only in the last few decades.Most of this crossbreed’s history is unknown, but its parent breeds have always been prized for their intelligence and reliability in herding and hunting.Most of this crossbreed’s history is unknown, but its parent breeds have always been prized for their intelligence and reliability in herding and hunting.Most of this crossbreed’s history is unknown, but its parent breeds have always been prized for their intelligence and reliability in herding and hunting.Most of this crossbreed’s history is unknown, but its parent breeds have always been prized for their intelligence and reliability in herding and hunting.
Why Are There So Many Poodle Mixes?
A Poodle mix is considered a cross between a Poodle & another dog breed.Why are there so many Poodle mixes? Here are a few reasons why they are so popular.