Bluetick Coonhound

Overview of Bluetick Coonhounds

  • Bluetick Coonhounds which are not properly exercised can become destructive. Bluetick Coonhounds are extremely high-energy animals that definitely need a job to do to stay happy, fit and focused.
  • The Bluetick Coonhound is going to have a great sense of smell and once he gets “wind” of an interesting scent, he will find and follow the trail no matter how long or how difficult it may be.
  • The Bluetick Coonhound is known as a hunting dog with a ‘cold nose.’ Having a ‘cold nose’ means this dog is able to pick up a scent whether it’s several hours or several days old.
  • Bluetick Coonhounds are often mistakenly thought to be aggressive with strangers because they may howl in greeting and then sniff a fewone for a prolonged period of time.
  • Bluetick Coonhound adult dog food: One of the most important facts to remember is an adult dog needs many of the same nutrients as a puppy but in alternative amounts.
  • Bluetick Coonhound puppies should get daily exercise in an enclosed area outdoors to build their muscles, stretch their legs and explore the environment for scents.
  • Bluetick Coonhounds originated in Louisiana and are likely descended from a French breed, the Bleu de Gascogne (essentially a much bigger version of the Bluetick).
  • The Bluetick coonhound is the Tennessee state dog, a throw back to their Southern roots, although of course now they are bred and homed all over the world.
  • Bluetick Coonhounds possess typical hound features: an elongated head, soulful, brown eyes and long, pendulous ears that frame the face.
  • Bluetick Coonhounds should be 21 inches to 27 inches tall at the shoulder and males weigh approximately 55 to 80 pounds (25 to 36 kg).
  • Bloat

    Bluetick Coonhounds are prone to bloat, so don’t let your dog scarf down their food, and limit their activity after mealtimes.You may even need to buy a special bowl to slow them down as they eat.


    As a result, many Bluetick Coonhounds exhibit very high prey drives and surprising amounts of aggression to non-human, non-canine animals. This dog breed is very devoted to his owner and other family members and he loves spending time with them. Bluetick Coonhounds are considered to be “free-tonguers,” which means that they periodically make a medium-loud, melodic bugle when on the hunt.Bluetick Coonhounds are hunting dogs.They have been bred for centuries for this purpose.


    Cancer is a leading cause of death among dogs in their golden years.Early detection is critical!Many cancers are cured by surgically removing them, and some types are treatable with chemotherapy.We’ll do periodic blood tests and look for lumps and bumps at each exam.Your Bluetick Coonhound is a bit more prone to certain kinds of cancer starting at a younger age.


    The Bluetick Hound is a handsome animal, with their unique tri-colored coat and sleek, muscular body shape. The Bluetick Coonhound should have the appearance of a speedy and well-muscled hound. It’s distinguished from its striking coat, which gives off the appearance that the dog is covered in blue spots.


     Bluetick Coonhounds need a lot of exercises and mental stimulation.These are working dogs and need to be treated as such.

    Genetic Predispositions

    At the end of the booklet, we have also included a description of what you can do at home to keep your Bluetick looking and feeling her best.This guide contains general health information important to all canines as well as the most important genetic predispositions for Bluetick Coonhounds.This information helps you and us together plan for your pet’s unique medical needs.You will know what to watch for, and we will all feel better knowing that we’re taking the best possible care of your pal.


    For many pet owners, grooming is a necessary chore.Gloves is a most important equipment for Bluetick Coonhound grooming so if you love your dog then use this.If you have a sensitive, try him or her with one of these pet grooming gloves.So dogs and cats shy away from the rough bristles of a regular brush.


    You can minimize serious health concerns in a Bluetick Coonhound by purchasing him from a reputable breeder who engages in responsible breeding practices, and through screening for common diseases and conditions.


    Bluetick Coonhounds are susceptible to bacterial and viral infections — the same ones that all dogs can get — such as parvo, rabies, and distemper.Many of these infections are preventable through vaccination, which we will recommend based on the diseases we see in our area, her age, and other factors.

    Life expectancy

    Bluetick coonhounds have an average life expectancy of 11 to 12 years.


    Instead, give her a hug, brush her fur or teeth, play a game with her, or perhaps take her for a walk.It is a serious disease that may cause or worsen joint problems, metabolic and digestive disorders, back pain and heart disease.Obesity can be a significant health problem in Bluetick Coonhounds.She’ll feel better, and so will you!Though it’s tempting to give your pal food when she looks at you with those soulful eyes, you can “love her to death” with leftover people food and doggie treats.


    A Bluetick Coonhound is a beautiful dog with a charming personality.Although they tend to get along well with children and other dogs, they may not be the best fit for homes with other smaller pets due to their high prey drive.These hound dogs crave affection and are loyal to their families.They have a sweet disposition, are affectionate, and are devoted to their families.


    Never to be mistaken for aggression, the Bluetick Coonhound is generally a friendly dog, and can adapt well to a household with children and other dogs if socialised from a young age.This is a breed that can be highly vocal, and will often howl at someone they first meet.


    Perhaps more than many other breeds, a Bluetick Coonhound’s temperament will depend in large part on how well they’re socialized as a puppy.


    Basic obedience training is an essential part of responsible dog ownership.Because your Bluetick Coonhound wants to please you and is eager to learn, training can be a very enjoyable experience.  Obedience training is highly recommended as a means of teaching owners how to channel the typical Bluetick Coonhound innate desire to please into appropriate behaviors.It will make your dog a better companion and will help establish a stronger bond between the two of you.

    Advice about Bluetick Coonhounds for someone who's never had one?

    Hi there! I am looking at getting another dog, and I really like what I've read about Bluetick Coonhounds, but I have never had one before.This guide says they can be destructive when left alone, and this one says they can be aggressive with other dogs.

    How much is pet insurance for a Bluetick Coonhound puppy?

    Your personalized price will be lower or higher depending on the age of your Bluetick Coonhound, as well as your zip code, your financial standing, and the kind of coverage you need.

    Do Bluetick Coonhounds shed?

    These dogs do shed regularly.However, their hair is short and very manageable.You can minimize shedding by brushing their coats regularly.

    Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets?

    Again, so much depends on socialization in this regard.If you raise a Bluetick Coonhound with other small animals from the time they’re a puppy, they can be taught to accept others without issue.

    Are These Dogs Good for Families? ??

    If properly socialized, Blueticks make fantastic family pets.They’re loving and patient with children, and they love nothing more than to clown around with little ones in the backyard.

    How big do Bluetick Coonhounds get?

    Adult males can weigh upwards of 80 pounds.They can also be about 27 inches tall at the withers.Females will only weigh as much as 65 pounds.

    Are Bluetick Coonhounds good for families?

    These dogs are great with families.They exhibit playfulness with everybody and will go to great lengths to keep everyone protected.

    Do Bluetick Coonhounds bark a lot?

    Bluetick Coonhounds are known to bark and bay pretty frequently.Thus, they’re not ideal if you live in close quarters with other families.

    Are Bluetick Coonhounds good with other animals?

    These dogs are good with other animals with early socialization.They can even get along with small dogs and cats if they are raised and trained with the animals close by.

    Is pet insurance worth it for a Bluetick Coonhound?

    As a pure breed, a Bluetick Coonhound is more likely to suffer from genetic health issues than mixed breed dogs.Can you pay for an unexpected $5,000 veterinary bill out-of-pocket? 4 out of 5 pet parents can’t, and if this sounds like you, pet insurance is a great tool to hedge financial risk and dog health costs.Like renters insurance, it’s something you have but hope not to use – but if an unexpected accident or illness does strike you’ll be reimbursed 70% to 90% of the vet bill (depending on your plan).Getting dog insurance will help ensure that your Bluetick Coonhound will get the care they need at any stage of their life.

    Training ??

    Training a Bluetick Coonhound is extremely important.It can also be extremely frustrating.

    How Does Coonhound behave Around Strangers?

    Bluetick Coonhound is very friendly around strangers and if they see some visitors approaching their area, they will warmly welcome them.However, if they sense any suspicious behavior of the stranger, they will bark at them and warn their master.

    How is the Bluetick Coonhound with children and other animals?

    The Bluetick is a good dog around children, especially when it has been socialized and if raised with them.It will play with them, together they can burn off all that energy and get up to some antics together and it is also affectionate towards them.In general it is better with older children rather than toddlers as it can knock them over with its energy accidentally, so supervising the younger kids should be done if they are around.When it comes to small pets and other animals it is not as friendly, it is after all a hunting dog, these animals are prey to it.When raised with other pets and well socialized it learn to accept them and leave them be, but outside it will go after them.In general it gets on well with other dogs though some Blueticks are more dominant than others so there may be some pushing at each other as they establish the pecking order.

    What kind of dogs are part of your family?

    Help us get you the most relevant information.

    Grooming ??

    Bluetick Coonhounds are low-maintenance dogs in terms of grooming.They have short, slick coats that aren’t especially prone to shedding, so all they need is an occasional brushing.

    Did You Know?

    The Bluetick Coonhound originated in the United States and dates back to before the country’s founding.The “ticked” or mottled black-and-blue pattern of their coat and their main function gives them their name.They are a scenthound that was developed specifically for tracking down nocturnal prey like raccoons.

    Do Bluetick Coonhounds make good guard dogs?

    Thanks to their strong sense of smell, Bluetick Coonhounds make fantastic guard dogs.They will often smell intruders before they even see them.

    What’s the Price of Bluetick Coonhound Puppies?

    If you want a purebred Bluetick Coonhound, you’ll probably have to go through a reputable breeder.However, in many parts of the American South, you’ll find Bluetick Coonhound mixes all over the place, so if you’re not a stickler about bloodlines, check the pound first.

    What will training look like?

    Training coonhounds of any kind takes experience as they are hard to train.It may be intelligent but it is also free thinking, stubborn and manipulative so it is not going to docilely do what you want it to do, it will question you in its own way and so needs very firm handling.Out hunting it is used to solving its own problems and working out how to out-think its prey.It will use that on you too.Results with a Bluetick are going to be very gradual, you should set clear rules and expectations and stick to them consistently.With patience and persistence you will get results.It is also important to remember being very sensitive it is not going to respond to you constantly scolding it or physically correcting it.Use positive techniques.Praise and encourage it, offer treats to motivate it and you will see better results.Because of its often relentless barking and howling voice training can be difficult for those not experienced with such breeds.Also make sure that as soon as you get it you also start its socialization.Key to dogs who can deal with different people, places, children and animals is good socialization started early.

    Exercise ??

    These dogs are bred to be distance runners, so they’ll appreciate any and all exercise you can give them.If you don’t give them enough stimulation (about an hour a day), you could start experiencing behavioral problems.

    Health and Conditions ??

    Bluetick Coonhounds are healthy dogs in that they’re not prone to a wide variety of illnesses.

    What’s your primary interest in dogs?

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    How active is the Bluetick Coonhound?

    This is a very active breed and it is vital it is placed with active owners if it is not being used as a hunting dog otherwise there will be problems straight away.Owners who already love to be out hiking, walking, jogging, and doing other active things can train this breed to join them, which it will love.It will need at least an hour a day of walks but in themselves walks are not enough.In the day it will also need other physical opportunities, a couple of 20 minute play times on land or in a large yard, for example.It will also need mental challenges, training can be a part of that, puzzle toys, trials for example.They will become bored, loud, destructive, restless and possibly even snappy if they do not get both needs taken care of.This is not a dog suited to apartment living as it needs land, and if it is just a large yard it needs to be well fenced in, when this dog catches a scent it will try to go after it.For the same reason make sure it is leashed when taking it for a walk.

    Food & Diet Requirements ??

    This is an energetic breed, and as a result, they need food that will provide enough fuel to power them through their day.This typically means protein.

    Is Bluetick Coonhound Child-Friendly?

    Bluetick Coonhound does great with children and are loving and tolerant of children and also are playful.They do not mind kids pulling their hair and tails.

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    What Is the Difference Between a Beagle & a Coonhound?

    When you think about coonhounds, you probably think about loyalty and bonding.The bluetick and the redbone are coonhounds, American hunting dogs popular for tracking small mammals such as raccoons.Besides differences in appearance, health concerns, home environment needs and life spans, bluetick and redbone coonhounds are almost identical breeds.

    How much are Bluetick Coonhound puppies?

    After reviewing 40 ads across numerous sources that include breeders websites, the American Kennel Club, NextDayPets, and PuppyFind, our team found the cost of a Bluetick Coonhound to range from $300 to $1,200, with over 80% of the puppies under 6 month of age for sale falling within this range.This puts the average cost at $600.

    The cost to feed a Bluetick Coonhound?

    Bluetick Coonhounds are big dogs, with large ones growing over the average of 65 lb.(usually 45 to 80 lb.).As a result, puppies tend to consume 200 lb.of dry food on average during their first year.This puts food expenses in the $155-$310 range.

    What Can Make Bluetick Coonhound Aggressive?

    Bluetick Coonhound is not at all an aggressive dog.They are friendly to both people and canine.However, they may have prey drive for small animals and birds.They might sometime show aggression if handled roughly and provoked.

    History of Bluetick Coonhounds

  • In 1650, Robert Brooke sailed from England to Maryland with his pack of hunting dogs, which were the root of several strains of American hounds.
  • In 1650, Robert Brooke sailed from England to Crown Colony in North America with his pack of hunting dogs, which were the root of several strains of American Hounds.
  • In 1945, the Black and Tan Coonhound became the first Coonhound variety to be recognized by the American Kennel Club.
  • In 1945, the Black and Tan Coonhound became the first of the six breeds of coonhounds to be recognized by the American Kennel Club, in the Hound Group.[8] The other breeds, which were not recognized until the 2010s, are the Redbone Coonhound, Plott Hound, Bluetick Coonhound, the American English Coonhound, and the Treeing Walker Coonhound.
  • In 1946, the UKC recognized the Bluetick Coonhound as its own breed.
  • In 1993, a 7-year-old female Jindo named Baekgu (백구; 白狗; translated as a White Dog), raised by Park Bok-dan (박복단), an 83-year-old woman on Jindo Island, was sold to a new owner in the city of Daejeon which is located about 300 km (180 mi) away from the island.
  • In 2008 the Bluetick Coonhound was recognized by the AKC in the Miscellaneous Class.
  • In 2015, Wisconsin became the first state to introduce a bill to make blaze pink a legal hunting color.
  • In the 1980s show Airwolfe there was a Bluetick called Tet.